Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1540 Searching for Spirit Veins 12

Chapter 1540 Searching for Spirit Veins 12
Everyone wants to get the spiritual pulse, do you think the expert just wants to see it? "

"Forget it, forget it, don't talk about it, look for it again, and we will leave."

Yu Xin'er was planning to leave, but she overheard the two talking about the spiritual veins, and it turned out that there is a higher place in Xianyin Mountain!
At first, Yu Xiner was only looking for so many people here, thinking that there was only this place in Xianyin Mountain.

It seems that she was wrong!

Looking up, there was indeed a black spot like an island in the sky. Yu Xiner smiled and quickly explored it with her mental strength.

But only halfway through, something was blocked, and Yu Xiner couldn't get in!

"There is still a barrier." Yu Xiner murmured.

In the next second, Yu Xiner showed a confident smile on her face, "Hmph, is a small barrier in the world of cultivating immortals also trying to stop me?"

Yu Xiner looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to her, so she flew directly towards the floating island.

Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu looked at each other, and they followed Yu Xin'er and flew up in tacit understanding.

Yu Xiner untied the barrier very easily, and flew up in a good mood.

Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu followed, and Yu Xin'er landed on the island behind.

Fortunately, there is a hiding place up there. As soon as Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu came up, they quickly hid their information and their figures.

Yu Xiner clapped her hands and looked at the island in a good mood.

After coming up, I found that the island is actually not big, but there are not many things on the island, some fairy fruit trees, one or two thatched cottages, and some flowers and plants that Yu Xiner has never seen before.

"It's said that the master lives in a fairyland, so it's really good!" Yu Xiner concluded after watching it.

"Little girl, has no one told you that you can't break into other people's homes?"

Before Yu Xin'er could feel complacent, a voice came slowly.

The owner of the voice is undoubtedly the owner of this place, but it is impossible to tell from the voice whether the owner of the voice is happy or angry.

"I'm just curious, I just want to come up and have a look, isn't the expert welcome?" Yu Xiner was not afraid, and asked with a smile.

"Hahaha, you girl is really interesting. If I didn't invite you, then you just forced your way! Besides, master, I can't afford it. The little girl easily broke my barrier."

Yu Xin'er curled her lips, that means she is not polite to rush around? "It's just that I want to challenge the expert's enchantment. Since I broke it, can't you come up and take a look?"

"Girl, why don't you talk about your purpose!" Wushangzi asked directly, not wanting to talk nonsense with Yu Xiner.

Yu Xiner smiled, although she was tens of thousands of years old, her face was the same as that of a young girl, so Yu Xiner did not refute what Wushangzi said about the little girl, and she did come for a purpose.

"Does the expert know the whereabouts of the spirit vein?"

"Lingmai? Hehe, girl, the Lingmai is a spiritual thing shared by heaven and earth, how could I know the whereabouts of the Lingmai?" Wushangzi shook his head in a funny way, unexpectedly, it was for the Lingmai!

And many people came down from the foot of the mountain, and no one dared to come up, so Wushangzi never asked them why they came.

Now it seems that, like this girl, they all came to find the spiritual pulse.

"Xianyin Mountain is the place with the most spiritual power in the entire fairy world. How could the spirit veins not come?" Yu Xiner was dissatisfied with Wushangzi's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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