Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1541 Searching for Spirit Veins 13

Chapter 1541 Searching for Spirit Veins 13
Wushangzi shook his head amusedly, "But girl, this is not the reason why the old man must know the whereabouts of the spiritual vein."

Yu Xiner frowned, and said simply: "Since you don't know the whereabouts of the spirit veins, how about we have a competition?"

"Girl, accidental injury is not good." Wushangzi frowned.

Yu Xiner smiled, "It's okay, I don't mind."

After Yu Xiner finished speaking excitedly, she flew directly towards the thatched cottage where Wushangzi was.

Wushangzi didn't show up from the beginning to the end, so Yu Xiner was looking forward to the owner of Xianyin Mountain.

Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing looked at each other secretly, they were also very curious about who the owner of Xianyin Mountain is!

If they are far away, they can talk and watch a play.

"Yu Xiner is in the realm of the Holy Spirit." Ye Wuqing frowned, looking at the spiritual power displayed by Yu Xiner, and said.

"When she came to the Twilight Academy, she had elementary spiritual power. When I took her around the academy, I tested her spiritual power, but I didn't find any abnormalities..." Ye Wuqing sighed, compared with people from the fairy world Well, they are still immortals with ordinary bodies, so much worse.

"Then it will be more proof that Yu Xiner is the person of the evil spirit." Ye Rumu continued.

"That's right." Ye Wuqing nodded, she was also looking forward to what kind of person the owner of Xianyin Mountain would be.

During the time when Yu Xiner went to the Twilight Academy, she didn't do anything, and she left the Twilight Academy until the spiritual pulse appeared for no reason, making it impossible for people to understand Yu Xiner's intentions.

"It's just that since Yu Xiner is a person of evil spirits, why did she leave without doing anything after she came to the academy? Isn't the normal way to stay and wait for everyone to trust her to achieve her purpose? ?” Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, that’s what undercover agents usually do, right?Even when they were killers before, they used this to cheat others' trust.

"If Yu Xiner comes to the Twilight Academy, she doesn't care whether we trust her or not? Moreover, if she really intends to lurk for a long time, she won't let herself feel invisible all the time. She will find an opportunity to express herself no matter what. Right?" Ye Wuqing shrugged, when she saw Yu Xiner for the first time, she felt that Yu Xiner looked at her differently, but she never cared about it.

"The young master Yu Xiner mentioned...was the evil spirit's rumors? If Yu Xiner approached you because of the rumors, then everything can be explained." Ye Rumu nodded, not to Twilight What does the academy do, but for Ye Wuqing.

"Really?" Ye Wuqing thumped in her heart, then turned her head and whispered.

While Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu were chatting, Yu Xiner had already flown in front of the thatched cottage, and was about to reach out and push open the door of the thatched cottage, when suddenly a strong wind blew up, making Yu Xiner unable to open her eyes for a short time!

Yu Xiner had no choice but to retreat.

After taking a few steps back, the door of the thatched hut opened automatically, and a middle-aged man came out of the thatched hut.

The man's clothes were extremely simple, and his eyes were as deep as the sea. When people looked at them, they couldn't help but be drawn in.

Wushangzi came out, looked at Yu Xiner a few times, then shook his head and said with a smile, "Girl, you are not from the world of cultivating immortals, are you?"

Yu Xin'er didn't answer immediately, but just looked at Wushangzi, and finally said with a smile: "What does the master say?"

(End of this chapter)

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