Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1542 Searching for Spirit Veins 14

Chapter 1542 Searching for Spirit Veins 14
"I participated in the affairs of the evil spirits back then, and now I heard that the evil spirits have returned, and you, girl, have the aura of evil spirits on your body." Wushangzi smiled and shook his head, explaining.

Yu Xiner's complexion changed, she checked around, and found that she had hidden everything very well, and no one had ever discovered that she was an evil spirit!
"What is the girl looking for?" Wushangzi has always had a gentle smile on his face since he showed up until now, making people subconsciously want to get close to him.

But Yu Xiner knew clearly that this person cannot be trusted!

For other people in the world of cultivating immortals, it is okay to trust him, but obviously, Yu Xiner cannot trust anyone in the world of cultivating immortals. People here regard evil spirits as enemies.

She is not a child anymore, and she can distinguish the pros and cons of many things.

"It's nothing, master, you really don't know where the spirit veins are?" Yu Xiner asked one last time. She originally wanted to fight Wushangzi, but Yu Xiner suddenly realized that she might not be Wushangzi. Shangzi's opponent!At least, not in the world of cultivating immortals!
"I don't know. If I knew, I would have handed it over to someone who can protect it. Do I have to wait for you to ask?" Wushangzi asked with a smile.

Yu Xin'er Miller squinted her eyes, remembering that her father had taught her about some powerful figures in the world of cultivating immortals, and this one was in Xianyin Mountain, "If you guess correctly, you are Wushangzi, right?"

"That's right, I'm here." Wushangzi generously admitted his identity, but in fact, the world of cultivating immortals basically knew that Wushangzi lived on Xianyin Mountain!

"You really are Wushangzi. Since that's the case, then I'll go first." After Yu Xiner knew Wushangzi's identity, she also realized that there was no spiritual vein here, and subconsciously wanted to leave.

Dad said, when you meet a few people, don't be head-on, just leave, and this Wushangzi is one of the people Dad said!

Wushangzi didn't stop Yu Xiner either, if Wushangzi wanted to stop Yu Xiner, Yu Xiner wouldn't be able to leave for the time being, but endless troubles might follow.

So Wushangzi didn't stop Yu Xiner.

In addition, Yu Xiner came from the fairy world, even though her spiritual power was temporarily suppressed, Wushangzi might not be able to kill her!

After Yu Xin'er left, Wushangzi looked at the hiding place of Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu, "You two, you can come out now."

Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing looked at each other, and stood up in a heartbeat.

Wushangzi directly checked the spiritual power of Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu. Without the ultimate spiritual power, he couldn't fly, and these two looked so young, but Wushangzi was dumbfounded!

These two little girls are actually masters in the realm of the Holy Spirit!
Looking at the bone ages of the two, both of them are only in their 20s!

"The two little girls are really young and promising!" Wu Shangzi sighed and shook his head, counting the previous courts, how many people are comparable to these two!
"Senior Wushangzi."

Ye Rumu called Wushangzi's name, and nodded to him in greeting.

Just now, Yu Xin'er had reported Wushangzi's name, and Wushangzi also admitted it, so now Wushangzi just nodded, "You two girls, are you also here for the spirit vein?"

Ye Rumu nodded and shook his head again, "I really wanted to find the spiritual pulse, but it was just by accident, the woman just now, named Yu Xin'er, just joined the Twilight Academy before, and then disappeared for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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