Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1549 Searching for Spirit Veins 21

Chapter 1549 Searching for Spirit Veins 21
Wushangzi probably didn't know them either, so Wushangzi was so kind to them when they first met, and even took out the tea he grew to entertain Ye Rumu and the others. Why?
Is it because Wushangzi usually doesn't see anyone?

This question had been lingering in Ye Rumu's mind, but since Wushangzi never appeared again, Ye Rumu gradually forgot about it.

Occasionally there are rumors of evil spirits appearing in the world of cultivating immortals. However, there has been no news about Ming Yan for so long. , are not clear about this matter.

At this moment, the Lord is following Ye Wuqing, looking deeply at Ye Wuqing's back, and when Ye Wuqing looked over, Ming Yan withdrew his gaze again, pretending to be looking into the distance.

Maybe if you like someone, no matter where you are or what your identity is, as long as you are by her side and watching from a distance is enough, right?

But Ming Yan discovered that this is not enough!

He wanted her to know his real identity even more, but if Ye Wuqing knew his real identity, not only would he not be able to stay by Ye Wuqing's side, he might not be able to get close to her in the future.

He stayed by Ye Wuqing's side as Yan An, and he couldn't make any promises. After all, this identity would disappear out of thin air sooner or later. When it disappeared, he didn't want Ye Wuqing to be sad, but he wanted to treat Ye Wuqing with some special identity. By her side, he may have never been decisive, and he has always been a contradictory person!

I completely lost my mind when I ran into something about Ye Wuqing...

Although we haven't seen each other for many years, the love has not diminished but increased!
Ye Wuqing always felt that there were eyes staring at her behind her, but when she turned her head away, there were no more eyes. She couldn't help being surprised, so she stopped specially, and only when Yan An walked to her side did Ye Wuqing continue walking, asking the person next to her Yan An, "Did you notice anything unusual?"

"No." Ming Yan shook his head.

"Oh." Ye Wuqing only felt strange, and finally turned her head to take a look, and found that she might really be thinking too much, so she shook her head.

"What's the matter with you two, catch up!" Ye Xiaoye walked, and suddenly turned his head, seeing that Ye Wuqing and Yan An had fallen behind for so long, he shouted.

Ye Xiaoye smiled mischievously, and after shouting, he tugged at the corner of Ye Rumu's clothes, "Mother, is there something wrong with these two?"

Ye Rumu was funny, it would be fine if there was something really wrong, she immediately put on a straight face: "This matter is not what you should care about."

Ye Xiaoye pouted, seeing Ye Rumu's straight face many times, she was really not afraid!
"Mother, where is the Ganoderma lucidum? I haven't seen Ganoderma lucidum for a long time." Ye Xiaoye was bored and asked again.

Ye Rumu raised her eyebrows, and looked inside to see what Ganoderma lucidum was doing in her dantian, "Sleeping."

"Ganoderma lucidum is so lazy! Mother, hurry up and throw the ganoderma out for me to play with." Ye Xiaoye hated the laziness of Ganoderma lucidum.

How can I sleep like this!

Ye Rumu looked again, and found that the situation of Lingzhi was not right, "I'm afraid it won't work, Lingzhi may be promoted again."

At the stage of Ganoderma lucidum, it is difficult to be promoted once. Ye Rumu realized after reaching the Holy Spirit that the requirements for promotion cannot be satisfied no matter how much spiritual energy he cultivates.

Ye Xiaoye was just asking about nothing,
(End of this chapter)

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