Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1550 Searching for Spirit Veins 22

Chapter 1550 Searching for Spirit Veins 22
Hearing that Ganoderma is about to be promoted, I will not bother Lingzhi.

It's just that Ye Xiaoye started to feel melancholy again, why hasn't he been promoted to the Holy Spirit yet?

Seemingly seeing Ye Xiaoye's depression, Ye Rumu said: "It's not a joke to be promoted to the Holy Spirit, I'm afraid you don't have enough ability to support Tianlei."

With Ye Xiaoye's small body now... that's no joke!

"Well, anyway, I can only think about it now, anyway, mother and father won't abandon me and go to the fairy world first, right?"

"That's not necessarily true." Ye Rumu said spreading his hands out of shame.

Ye Xiaoye stared, there was nothing he could do with Ye Rumu, he looked at Baili Yao weakly, Dad, wouldn't you want to leave him too?
"I listen to your mother." Baili Yao said.

Ye Xiaoye: "..." Dad and mother are always at the same end, what should we do?Waiting online, so urgent!
"Don't worry, Xiaoye, I will be with you." Muyan touched poor Xiaoye's head, and now she can touch Ye Xiaoye's head, and in a few years, Muyan will not be able to touch it either.

Ye Xiaoye looked at Muyan quietly, before she had time to speak, Muyan said directly: "Don't worry, you can grow taller!"

After speaking, he nodded seriously.

Ye Xiaoye: "..."

After chatting and making noise along the way, they soon arrived at the next location. However, Ye Rumu had to sigh that the road to the enemy is narrow!
They actually ran into members of the Shangguan family here!

Didn't it mean that the Shangguan family is silent now?What the hell are these people?

The question in Ye Rumu's heart is also what other people want to ask.

Because of the arrival of the Shangguan family, some of the original people have been beaten out by the Shangguan family, and they planned to search this place first, but Ye Rumu and others came at the right time!
Shangguan Gu'er and Shangguan Mu came out side by side, seeing the people from the Twilight Academy, Shangguan Gu'er sneered, "It's really a narrow road!"

"It can't be helped, we don't really want to see you." Ye Rumu spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

"Really? Miss Ben is the opposite of you. Miss Ben can't wait to see you!" Shangguan Gu'er smiled indifferently. Now she has two elders with the spiritual power of the Holy Spirit. I don't believe she can't beat Ye Rumu this group of young juniors!
And she has always wanted to meet people from the Twilight Academy, as long as she meets someone, she will take revenge!
God treated her pretty well, but not long after she came out, she ran into her.

And Shangguan Gu'er and Shangguan Mu also understood that their Shangguan family is now working for evil spirits, and there is no need to show mercy when encountering former enemies!

Anyway, at the end of the day, we have to match up, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later!
"It's the first time I saw someone wishing to come to your door to die. I heard that your Shangguan family has defected to evil spirits now? Tsk tsk, aren't you afraid of being drowned by everyone's saliva?" Mu Yan said with a smile, she has always been at odds with Shangguan Gu'er , now that Shangguan's family has taken refuge in evil spirits, I'm happy, isn't this suicide?

How dare you run out now, without fear of being caught?

"It's not certain who will send you to die!" Shangguan Gu'er said in a strange way, but now someone from the Twilight Academy came to your door!
Those who were kicked out by Shangguan Gu'er and others saw that Shangguan's family and Twilight Academy were facing each other, and wondered if there was any omission to pick up, so they didn't see the war between Shangguan's family and Twilight Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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