Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1551 Searching for Spirit Veins 23

Chapter 1551 Searching for Spirit Veins 23
Naturally, Ye Rumu and the others don't need the help of those scumbags. To be honest, among the few people in the Twilight Academy, none of them has enough spiritual power!
Shangguan Gu'er had a bad temper, and couldn't stand other people's talking, so when he finished talking, he immediately ordered the two elders she brought to go!
Shangguan Gu'er brought a lot of people, but the Shangguan family didn't have many people in the Holy Spirit Realm, and the other people's spiritual power was not so high.

Seeing the people from the Twilight Academy fighting fiercely with the two elders, they immediately followed suit!

Except for the two elders who struggled to deal with it, the others were nothing, but because there were so many people like ants, it still made people impatient.

Shangguan Gu'er saw that so many people around him were still at a disadvantage?A face suddenly darkened.

The original bright face turned a little gloomy, which made the melon-eating crowd who had fallen in love with Shangguan Gu'er suddenly feel a cool feeling in their hearts.

"Brother, let's go too!" Shangguan Gu'er couldn't stand it any longer, and said, he was about to fly up!
"Sister! No!" It's just that Shangguan Mu said it too late, Shangguan Gu'er flew on him long ago!

Shangguan Mu frowned, he had no choice but to follow, at least to protect Shangguan Gu'er's safety!

Shangguan Gu'er didn't stare at anyone, and went directly to Muyan!
One is Ye Rumu, Ye Wuqing and Baili Yao, Qingjue, she can't beat them all, and the other is that what she hates the most is Mu Yan's mouth, she has long wanted to tear it off!

Seeing that Shangguan Guer was coming towards her, Mu Yan curled her lips. Shangguan Guer really held grudges, but thinking about it, if she didn't hold grudges, how could she have left a few years ago because she didn't give up the inn room? Just remember the grudge until now?

The young lady of a rich family really can't afford to mess with her!People like Shangguan Gu'er think that everything should be obeyed by her, and no one else can object!

However, Muyan's strength is higher than that of Shangguan Gu'er. Isn't Shangguan Gu'er asking for trouble when he finds her?

And...among the eight people, even Ye Xiaoye, who looked the most bully, had not low spiritual power!

However, before Mu Yan had fought Shangguan Gu'er a few times, Shangguan Mu joined in, and it became a two-on-one situation!
Mu Yan's face sank all of a sudden, and she said coldly: "Two people bully me, what's the point? Huh! You Shangguan's family really doesn't have a good thing, you were born and raised in the world of cultivating immortals, and you still want to betray me?" The world of cultivating immortals? Do you think that the evil spirits will take you with them when they leave? Or do you think that after the evil spirits capture the world of cultivating immortals, they will let you dominate the world of cultivating immortals? Are you thinking too naively?"

Muyan has always been like this, even if she can't beat you, she will kill you if she says it!

However, Shangguan Gu'er and Shangguan Mu were actually indifferent to Muyan's words!
But it can be seen from the fact that they are getting more and more ruthless, they want Muyan to shut up!
Seeing that she couldn't hold back anymore, Mu Yan quickly ran to Ye Rumu and the others, "Sister Rumu, Sister Wuqing, help!"

Ye Wuqing wanted to go over to help, but couldn't get away, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Ming Yan saw it, and his eyes deepened, he would help anyone she wanted to help!
Ming Yan shot quickly, fighting for Muyan, Shangguan Gu'er and Shangguan Mu.

Even if the ten Shangguan Gu'er and Shangguan Mu are not Ming Yan's opponents, Shangguan Gu'er and Shangguan Mu will soon know Ming Yan's strength and want to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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