Chapter 1581 Rescue Jingxing 5
"That's right, you can't go back now." Jing Xing also shook his head.

"It stands to reason that if there is no spiritual vein in the world of cultivating immortals, it would be meaningless to the evil spirits, but they don't know whether the spiritual vein is there, and we can't be 100% sure, right? So, wait for the evil spirits to leave us. Let's go, so as to save the evil spirits from plotting and plotting. Or, when they can't find the spirit veins, maybe they will vent their anger on the world of cultivating immortals. For the evil spirits, destroying a plane is like trampling to death. It's as simple as an ant." Mimeng also had her own worries.

"That's right, the world of cultivating immortals is indeed nothing in the eyes of people in the world of immortals, but they will not destroy the balance of the world of cultivating immortals, but the evil spirits won't think so much." Jing Xing nodded.

From the perspective of people in the fairy world, other than the fairy world, other planes are low-level planes, and no one can beat the people of the fairy world.

Furthermore, there are very few gods in the fairy world who have been promoted, and most of them are descendants of the gods who originally existed in the fairy world.

"The spiritual vein, are we still looking for it?" Ye Rumu frowned and asked Mi Meng and Jing Xing.

"Don't look for it for the time being, let others look for it." Mimeng shook her head, whether to look for it or not is not important now.

"Seniors, what should we do now?" Baili Yao frowned and looked at the two of them.

"You should call me sister."

"You should be called my master."

Mi Meng and Jing Xing spoke in unison, and after they finished speaking, they both froze and looked at each other.

"It's great that sister and master have a tacit understanding." Ye Rumu teased.

Baili Yao hooked his lips, "Well, master, sister."

That's right, it's Ye Rumu's master and sister, and also his master and sister.

"Tsk tsk, did I hear you right? Yangyan Shangshen actually called me my sister? I remember Yang Yanshangshen couldn't get rid of this face, but he always called me Mimengshangshen." Mimeng looked at Baili Yao in amazement, and sure enough Without the memory of the past, the character of the person will change a little?
"That's right, God Yang Yan wouldn't call me master back then, but God Yang Yan's status is so high, I am very pleased to be able to call me a senior." Jing Xing also thought of Baili Yao's past Things about the fairy world, said with a sigh.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, looked at Baili Yao, and couldn't help being amused, "Is there such a thing?"

When I met Baili Yao for the first time, Baili Yao's cold and frosty appearance seemed to be still in front of my eyes, but now it has been nearly ten years, and Baili Yao has changed a lot.

Perhaps, is this what others call maturity?
Baili Yao narrowed his eyes and didn't speak. After all, it happened in the past and he has no memory.

When everyone was enthusiastically looking for the whereabouts of the spiritual pulse, the Twilight Academy suddenly stopped looking, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The Twilight Academy has grown rapidly in the past few years, how could such an opportunity be missed?

Everyone is wondering if the Twilight Academy has other schemes or the like, but after thinking for a long time, they still can't think of what the Twilight Academy can do?

Moreover, there is no movement at all now.

Could it be that the Twilight Academy retreated in the face of difficulties and gave up searching for spiritual veins?

The Twilight Academy has not been moved, and other forces have been paying attention to the Twilight Academy, worried that the Twilight Academy has some tricks that they don't know about.

Moreover, no one would believe that the Twilight Academy could achieve such an achievement in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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