Chapter 1582 Rescue Jingxing 6
Especially because there are Ye Rumu and others in the Twilight Academy, these few are the pillars of the Twilight Academy!
Before they appeared, the Twilight Academy was not even as good as an unknown sect, but now it suddenly returned to one of the five great academies!
The five major academies, the three sects, and the six major families have always been the top existences in the world of cultivating immortals, and the Twilight Academy has been delisted for thousands of years before it was re-ranked among the five major academies, which is enough for people to know where the Twilight Academy used to be !
Falling from a height is not terrible, what is terrible is falling from the highest!
Because the existence that once stood at the highest place was the existence that made countless people jealous, envious, and envious. After they fell, there were still not a few people who paid attention to them. However, this time, some of them could only be ridiculed and ridiculed, which is a pity. , Poor look out.

Ling Feiyu didn't know when he got the news and came to Twilight Academy.

Originally, I just wanted to ask the Twilight Academy what opinion it had on the spirit veins, but I didn't expect to see Mimeng in the Twilight Academy!

Ling Feiyu, as one of the few people who survived the incident of the evil spirits, naturally knew Mimeng.

"Mimeng..." Ling Feiyu was stunned. For so many years, he has been respected by others, and he has never lost his composure in front of others. But now, Mimeng is indeed too surprised!
"Feiyu." Mimeng nodded, not at all intending to hide her identity, in front of Ling Feiyu, it seemed unnecessary.

"You're you have any news about Lingyue?" Ling Feiyu was shocked, thinking of Dongfang Lingyue, and asked quickly.

Mimeng shook her head, "I came in a hurry, so I couldn't find Lingyue, but Lingyue had a very good life in the fairy world, and what's more, she hopes that you will let her go and ascend to the fairyland as soon as possible."

Ling Feiyu was silent, and finally just nodded. Lingyue has never had feelings for him, and even now she is just trying to persuade him to let go, and she can't help but feel bitter in her heart.

"Sister, does Lingyue have anything else to say?" Thinking of Cheng Qizhu who had been struggling to find a way to get to Dongfang Lingyue, Ye Rumu also asked for him.

During this period of time, Cheng Qizhu appeared less and less often. Ye Rumu always felt that there was some bad premonition. Cheng Qizhu is now in the state of soul, plus he stayed in the mainland for thousands of years. Because he was able to survive for so long by relying on his own secret realm, but now he has left his secret realm and stayed in his space instead.

Mimeng shook her head.

Dongfang Lingyue didn't expect Ye Rumu's appearance, let alone know that Ye Rumu and Cheng Qizhu would know each other, and didn't know that Ye Rumu was Mimeng's younger sister, so how could she tell Mimeng about Cheng Qizhu?
"Okay." Ye Rumu nodded. Although Dongfang Lingyue helped Mimeng and left two swords for her and Baili Yao back then, she probably didn't know anything about what happened thousands of years later.

"Die'er, how did you know Lingyue?" Mimeng felt something was wrong and asked with a frown.

"Sister, now is not the time to talk about this. When I have a chance, I will tell you one by one." Ye Rumu glanced at Ling Feiyu, she didn't plan to talk about Cheng Qizhu and Dongfang Lingyue here, otherwise wouldn't it be Ling Feiyu Sprinkle salt on your wounds?
Ling Feiyu seemed to know what Ye Rumu was going to say, smiled wryly, and shook his head, "I'll go out for a walk."

(End of this chapter)

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