Chapter 1586

The location of the evil spirits was actually thousands of years ago, but no one dared to come here, because it was too dangerous, and once they went there, they would almost die.

Evil spirits have the ability to teleport, so it is not difficult to go up.

And there are blindfolds and so on. From the outside, this place is still the ruins of thousands of years ago.

Ming Yan changed back to his own face and returned to the evil spirit's residence.

He knew that Elder Yu had already sent someone out to search for the spirit veins privately, which was what he had done, so Ming Yan only listened to Elder Yu's report of what had happened during this period of time, and did not get angry.

"Is there any progress on the matter of Lingmai?" Ming Yan leaned lazily on the chair and asked lightly.

"Returning to the young master, there is still no progress in the matter of the spiritual veins. Neither we nor the people in the world of cultivating immortals can find the spiritual veins. Young master, please give us a little more time! The spiritual veins are not so easy to find. " Elder Yu said with a wrinkled face.

"I'm afraid, the spirit veins are no longer in the world of cultivating immortals." Ming Yan said with a sneer.

Mimeng and the others never avoided him when they were talking about things, but Ming Yan felt that Mimeng might have figured out his identity, but why didn't he reveal it all the time?Or, in the realm of cultivating immortals, a lot of mana has been suppressed, so you can't see it?
Ming Yan didn't understand Mimeng's intention, and he didn't hide from him, saying that the spirit vein was no longer in the world of cultivating immortals, could it be that he wanted him to leave the world of cultivating immortals?

"Where did the young master get the news?" Elder Yu was stunned for a moment, and asked with a frown, how could the spirit vein not be in the world of cultivating immortals?
"Elder Yu, have you ever understood why the aura in the world of cultivating immortals is getting thinner and thinner?" Ming Yan asked.

Elder Yu shook his head, "After what you said, young master, I feel that the aura in the world of cultivating immortals is indeed much thinner than it was thousands of years ago! When I first came, because the aura was too turbid, my subordinates didn't notice it. ! It’s the subordinate’s dereliction of duty, and I hope the young master will forgive me!”

"Forget it, hurry up and investigate whether there is still a spiritual vein in the world of cultivating immortals. If not, we don't need to waste any more time here." Ming Yan lowered his head and took a sip of tea from the cup in his hand.

"Yes." Elder Yu also became anxious. If there is no spiritual vein in the world of cultivating immortals, it means that there is no way to complete the task this time. How should I report to the leader when I go back?

Seeing Elder Yu leave, Ming Yan was inexplicably relieved. He didn't really want to take away the spirit veins, so this result was not bad for him.

However, once it is verified that there is no spiritual vein, then he will leave.

Forget it, we will definitely see you again in the Immortal World in the future!

Ming Yan lowered his head and thought for a while, the door was pushed open again.

Ming Yan looked up, saw that it was Yu Xiner, and frowned, "Why are you here?"

"Young master, where have you been all this time? Xin'er has been here for a long time, but I haven't seen the young master." Yu Xiner opened her eyes wide and looked at Ming Yan pitifully.

Ming Yan frowned, "Where does this young master go, it has nothing to do with you, just go out if you have nothing to do."

"Young master...Xin'er wants to come to hear the young master's opinion on our wedding. Young master, we have been engaged for more than ten thousand years, and we can... get married, right? Young master, after marrying Xin'er, let Xin'er Let's take care of you!" Yu Xiner said very sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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