Chapter 1587

Originally, Yu Xiner was not in a hurry, she was thinking of marrying her after Ming Yan wanted to marry her, but for some reason, Yu Xiner already felt a sense of crisis, and she didn't want to sit around like this any longer.

"Xin'er, let's talk about this matter when we go back. This is not the place you should come to. You should go back first." Ming Yan frowned, he couldn't bear to hurt Yu Xiner, but he had to. However, this matter, Just wait until you leave the world of cultivating immortals and then go back to solve it.

Ming Yan has always been clear about Yu Xiner's behavior, but being clear is one thing, and no matter how good Yu Xiner is, it is another. He cannot and cannot like Yu Xiner just because of this.

Yu Xiner looked straight at Ming Yan, Ming Yan had never looked at her with emotion in the past ten thousand years, Yu Xiner knew it, but she had loved Ming Yan for tens of thousands of years.

"Young master, I won't get in the way, just let me stay here!" At least, I can see you...

Ming Yan looked at Yu Xin'er gravely, "Xin'er, you know, the person my young master likes has never been you."

"Young master, I know, you don't need to say it." Yu Xiner could still laugh when facing Ming Yan's words.

What's the use of liking someone?As long as she can stay by Ming Yan's side in the end, Yu Xiner feels that nothing is more important than this.

Ming Yan stared at Yu Xiner for a quarter of an hour, then finally stood up and walked outside.

Yu Xin'er smiled, is there nothing the young master can do with her?
It would be best to marry her after returning home because there was no other way.

Most gods have only one partner in their life, and gods are probably the most affectionate, right?

Yu Xiner knew that Ming Yan might have someone he liked, after all, sometimes when she looked at Ming Yan from a distance, Yu Xiner was very familiar with his gentle eyes, that's how she looked at Ming Yan .

But no matter how hard Yu Xiner tried to find out who Ming Yan liked, she couldn't find anything, so she finally gave up.

Ming Yan's behavior was abnormal until he came to the world of cultivating immortals, but Yu Xiner went to see Ye Wuqing and found that Ye Wuqing was just a humble cultivator. It would take many years to know whether he could go to the world of immortals. Ming Yan couldn't would like her, they would never have known each other before.

Until now, Ming Yan has finally come back, but Ming Yan will not say where he has been or what he has done during this period of time.

Yu Xiner also probably knew that even if she asked, Ming Yan would not tell her, so why not ask more?

Loving someone may always be so painful. The person who fell in love first, fell in love at the moment, and lost.

Ming Yan went out, the place chosen by the evil spirit was very good, with beautiful scenery, easy to defend and hard to attack, ordinary people couldn't come up there, it was the best place to hide.

Helplessly smiled, this is because it is the price that the evil spirits have to pay, to settle down in a natural danger with few people, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and a place to hide, how ridiculous is that?

From the moment he was born, he was destined to be sworn enemies with the so-called righteous people in the fairy world. Since he was sensible, he spent the days of hunting and being hunted. He never thought that when he went out to do the tasks assigned by his father together , will meet Liangzhu.

Liangzhu rescued him, so he concealed his identity and stayed by Liangzhu's side for many years.

Because of my young age at that time,
(End of this chapter)

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