Chapter 1588

Few people have seen him, so he has never been recognized.

until the back...

Ming Yan closed his eyes, not daring to think about it.

If everything could be restarted, would he choose to take the same path?
Ming Yan thought, probably yes, after all, I don't want to let go of everything in the past, so why would I be afraid to walk again and suffer again?

Probably, people are like this, as long as there is a trace of existence that they think is worthy of nostalgia, they will be like moths to the flame, even if they know that they will be burned to nothing, they will still rush to it.

Because Elder Yu made preparations in advance, the world of cultivating immortals is now the eyeliner of evil spirits. Elder Yu went to investigate the matter of the spirit vein and learned a lot of things that others did not know.

And the world of cultivating immortals has indeed been visited by people, and still no one can get the spiritual veins. Elder Yu felt that maybe what Ming Yan said was true. Could it be that the young master has been investigating whether the spiritual veins are in the world of cultivating immortals? up?
Elder Yu felt that maybe Ming Yan had already confirmed it, but he was just afraid that he would not be at ease, so he asked him to investigate again.

Elder Yu finished his investigation, went back to the residence of the evil spirit cult, and told Ming Yan about this matter.

"Young master, as you said, the spirit vein is probably no longer in the world of cultivating immortals, but after thinking about it, I can't figure it out. If it is not in the world of cultivating immortals, where will it be? When did you leave? ? It is said that it was because of the great war thousands of years ago. Afterwards, the spiritual energy became thinner. Could it be that war that scared away the spiritual veins?" This is not impossible, after all, the spiritual veins have their own Thinking is equivalent to an independent person. If it senses danger, it is understandable to leave.

"Since the investigation is almost done, let's call back all those who are looking for the spiritual vein." Ming Yan said calmly, as if he knew the result a long time ago.

"Yes, young master, can we set off to go back as soon as possible?" Elder Yu asked again.

Going back this time, first go and talk to the leader about the marriage between the young master and Yu Xiner!

"Wait, you go first." Ming Yan lowered his eyelashes, he didn't want to leave so soon, at least, he wanted to see Ye Wuqing again!
"Yes, young master." Elder Yu wanted to ask why he had to wait, but seeing Ming Yan's expression of not wanting to answer, after thinking about it, he decided not to ask.

There seems to be little difference between going back first and going back later.

As long as the young master is happy...

As a result, the people sent by the evil spirit to find the spiritual pulse also withdrew.

People in the world of cultivating immortals speculated whether it was because the evil spirits had already obtained the spiritual veins, so they withdrew?

However, if the evil spirit got the spirit vein, it wouldn't be possible to just withdraw so silently, right?Say nothing?

Moreover, the evil spirit just stopped looking for the spirit vein for the time being, and did not withdraw from the world of cultivating immortals. If it really found it, wouldn't it be the first time to withdraw from the world of cultivating immortals?

This trick played by the evil spirit made everyone in the world of cultivating immortals puzzled and speculated.

But when it was reported to the Twilight Academy, the people in the Twilight Academy were extremely calm, especially Mimeng, who looked as expected.

I knew it would be like this. After all, Ming Yan had been carrying them by their side before. Ming Yan knew this possibility. After returning, he would definitely send someone to investigate to see if it was true.

Sure enough, Ming Yan did not disappoint.

However, Ming Yan hasn't left the world of cultivating immortals yet, why?
Mi dreamed, looking at Ye Wuqing, Liang Zhu's reincarnation...

(End of this chapter)

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