Chapter 1589

When the evil spirit religion appeared thousands of years ago, as long as they encountered anyone blocking their way, they would definitely get rid of them immediately.

Mimeng also had such doubts in the Immortal Realm, but after seeing the current situation in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, Mimeng understood.

When the evil spirits came to the world of cultivating immortals thousands of years ago, it was Elder Yu who was the leader of the evil spirits. As soon as they landed in the world of cultivating immortals, they slaughtered them on a rampage, and their reputation was extremely bad.

But this time, it was Ming Yan who took the lead, and the evil spirits had to follow Ming Yan's orders when doing things.

They did what Ming Yan said, so this time, they have never heard of the loss of life.

Some people even wondered if the evil spirits really appeared again?

Obsessed with dreams, Ming Yan leaves room for everything, probably because of Liangzhu?

The evil spirits withdrew, and the people in the world of cultivating immortals also withdrew one after another, because they also got nothing.

Hearing this news, everyone in Twilight Academy was as expected.

People in the world of cultivating immortals have not found any news about the spiritual veins, so it is naturally impossible to let it go like this.

After all, the spiritual pulse is related to their future.

Ling Feiyu has not dared to disclose the fact that the spirit vein is likely not in the world of cultivating immortals, for fear of causing panic.

This matter is temporarily over.

Wushangzi invited Ye Rumu and others to practice in Xianyin Mountain. Now, Xianyin Mountain has the most aura in the world of cultivating immortals.

All those Ye Rumu brought to the world of cultivating immortals, as well as Cang Yuan, went to Xianyin Mountain.

Without the spiritual veins, it is impossible to make the spiritual energy in the world of cultivating immortals more abundant than before, and Xianyin Mountain is obviously a good place for cultivation.

So Ye Rumu and the others plan to practice in Xianyin Mountain forever.

After Mu Daoyu knew about it, he didn't say anything. Originally, as long as it was good for Ye Rumu and others, Mu Daoyu wanted them to go.

Standing under the suspended island of Xianyin Mountain, everyone planned to build a house here. After all, Wushangzi's thatched cottage couldn't accommodate so many of them. Although after entering, they realized that the inside looked bigger than the outside many.

Ye Rumu remembered that there is also a Xianyin Mountain in the mainland, so he asked Mimeng, "Sister, do you know that there is a place called Xianyin Mountain in the mainland?"

"Well, I remember, I went there back then, but it's a pity that no one lives in such a good place." Mimeng nodded, and she basically traveled all over the mainland where Ye Rumu lived, just to put the spirit. beads.

"I have a killer pavilion called Tianya Pavilion in the mainland, and its headquarters is in Xianyin Mountain. Sister, do you still remember the dwarves you helped? The mainland can't tolerate them, so I placed them in Xianyin Mountain, my The Tianya Pavilion probably also broke up."

How long can they defend without a leader?

"The dwarves... I remember that when I saved their family back then, I also left them spirit beads." Mimeng recalled what happened thousands of years ago, narrowed her eyes, and said with a smile: "You must doubt many things, don't you? Did I arrange it deliberately? Actually no, it’s all due to fate and fate, the mainland is so big, and Yang Yan is here, so I can completely imagine where you will appear.”

"Sister saw me back then?" Baili Yao looked at Mimeng in surprise.

Mimeng nodded, "I have seen you, you and Dier came down at the same time, but Dier went to another world due to some accidents, and you have been waiting for Dier in the mainland for generations, so, back then, I I've seen you."

(End of this chapter)

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