Chapter 1596

"Then think about it carefully, does he like you, or think about it, do you like him?" Ye Rumu looked at Ye Wuqing with a smile, and Ye Wuqing stared at her completely unthreatening.

"I don't know either. My mood is complicated. Maybe I will know the truth in the future? But, I am a little afraid to go back to the fairy world." Ye Wuqing was looking forward to it, but more worried.

Ye Rumu was silent, Ye Wuqing and Ming Yan... indeed there are too many things separated.

"Okay, let's talk about the future. No matter what you choose in the future, Wuqing, I will support you. Even if you are against the entire fairy world, I will stand by your side and accompany you." Ye Rumu held Ye Wuqing hands, a solemn promise.

"Okay." Ye Wuqing doesn't need to say too much, she and Ye Rumu never need to explain too much.

Similarly, no matter what path Ye Rumu takes in the future, Ye Wuqing will follow behind Ye Rumu and accompany Ye Rumu through the journey.

After Ye Wuqing sent Ye Rumu away, she suddenly felt that she was worrying too much. When she returned to the fairy world, she would live a long life and would not be in a hurry to marry.

So, let’s put these things aside for later.

Ye Wuqing didn't know that Ming Yan returned to the fairyland in such a hurry, one of the things was to break off the engagement with Yu Xiner.

After the evil spirits returned to the fairy world, Elder Yu told the leader of the evil spirit sect about Yu Xin'er and Ming Yan's marriage. The leader naturally wanted to ask Ming Yan what he meant, so he sent Ming Yan over.

Originally, Elder Yu thought that he could marry Yu Xiner to Ming Yan this time, and Yu Xiner was looking forward to the time when Ming Yan married her.

Who knew that after Ming Yan arrived at the main hall of the evil spirits, he heard about Elder Yu's forced marriage, so he begged the leader with an unchanged expression to dissolve his engagement with Yu Xiner!

Elder Yu couldn't take it anymore when he heard that, and immediately questioned, "Young Master, why did you break off the engagement with Xin'er? You have been engaged for many years, has Xin'er ever owed you a penny?"

At this moment, Yu Xin'er had already limp and sat on the ground, looking straight at Ming Yan, as if she couldn't recover from this blow.

"Elder Yu, this young master has always regarded Xin'er as a younger sister. When you made the marriage contract, did you ask this young master's opinion? Now, this young master can't bear to delay Xin'er any longer. What's wrong with voluntarily terminating the engagement?" Ming Yan is not afraid, this marriage was originally for him to accept.

"Master! Look at the young master! You agreed to this marriage back then!" Elder Yu saw that he couldn't say anything, so he quickly looked at the leader.

The leader of the evil spirit supported his forehead, but did not speak.

"Although the marriage was approved by my father, but I don't know about it, you belong to it. Marry and sell by force!" Ming Yan said without politeness. Originally, this was like marrying by force and selling by force!

"Brother Ming Yan, you actually miss Xin'er so much..." Yu Xiner stared at Ming Yan sadly, her face covered with tears.

Ming Yan frowned, didn't speak, and looked at his father.

It's up to my father to talk about it.

"Since then, Xin'er has been training under the direction of the young lady. No matter how hard or tired she is, she has never said a word, just to marry you. How can you bear to abandon Xin'er at this time!" Elder Yu said with a full face gloomy.

Whether Yu Xiner can marry Ming Yan is related to his future status in the Evil Spirit Sect!

(End of this chapter)

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