Chapter 1597

In order to ensure his status in front of the leader, he must not let Yu Xiner and Ming Yan's marriage be cancelled!
"Master! Do you really want to break the engagement for Xin'er? After the engagement is broken, who will want Xin'er in the future! Master, you have to think about Xiner. Xiner is also the one you grew up with, Master... ..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, Yaner, I want to hear your opinion." Ming Ling, the leader of the evil spirit sect, looked at Ming Yan. Since Ming Yan was young, Ming Ling has rarely cared about him. Marriage was also forced on him by him.

Back then, Ming Yan was not in the Evil Spirit Cult, and when Elder Yu mentioned it, Ming Ling decided this matter privately. Thinking that Yu Xiner and Ming Yan grew up together, they would definitely agree.

Who knew that after Ming Yan came back, he seemed to have lost his soul!
It took a long time to slow down.

As soon as he recovered, Ming Ling told Ming Yan about this matter, but Ming Yan didn't respond, only said that he wanted to dissolve the engagement.

Ming Ling didn't know what happened to Ming Yan, and refused to tell if she asked, but the marriage contract that was just made, naturally couldn't be canceled without a reason, so Ming Ling tried every means to delay it.

Now when Elder Yu once again mentioned that the wedding should be held as soon as possible, Ming Yan once again proposed to dissolve the engagement!

"Father, can't you see what I'm thinking?" Ming Yan looked up at Ming Ling.

Ming Ling looked straight into Ming Yan's eyes. He could see Ming Yan's thoughts, and it could even be said that he could see them thousands of years ago. He offended the elder, and secondly, he thought that only Yu Xin'er could be worthy of Ming Yan.

Ming Ling sighed, looked at Yu Xin'er with shame and said, "Xin'er, what compensation do you want? Just say it, and I will promise you."

Yu Xiner thumped in her heart, opened her eyes wide in disbelief, and looked at Ming Ling silently.

"Xin'er... just say it." Ming Ling frowned.

"Master! Xin'er, don't break the engagement. Xiner just asks to stay by the young master's side. Hierarch, Xin'er's wish since she was a child is to marry the young master. Hierarch! Please, don't break the engagement!" Yu Xiner knelt in the dark In front of Ling, with his head on the ground, there was only a soft sobbing sound!
"Xin'er..." Elder Yu patted Yu Xiner's back distressedly, feeling pain in his heart.

But no matter what, this marriage cannot be canceled!
Ming Ling looked to one side with a headache, not wanting to embarrass her son, nor offending the elder and Yu Xin'er!
Moreover, Yu Xiner was indeed raised by him, so Ming Ling couldn't make Yu Xiner sad no matter what!
Ming Ling and Ming Yan already had a estrangement, if Ming Yan is forced to marry Yu Xin'er this time, it will definitely make Ming Yan hate him even more.

But forcibly canceling the wedding will make Yu Xiner dissatisfied.

Ming Ling thought for a while and said, "Xin'er, I know that this is unfair to you, but you also know that there is no happiness in a marriage without love, at least for Yan'er, he will not be happy."

Ming Ling sighed, in this world, there are always a lot of idiots complaining about women.

Listening to Ming Ling's words, Yu Xin'er bit her lips, no matter what, she couldn't give up this step!

If she nodded, she might not have anything to do with Ming Yan anymore.

"Xin'er, if you really want Yan'er, then you must want Yan'er to be happy. How about this, I will give you three years, if three years later,

(End of this chapter)

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