Chapter 1599

The time when I went to the world of cultivating immortals was like a dream, as if nothing happened, or as if something happened.

But she always felt that something was different.

"Xin'er, you are just too kind! When necessary, you can use some extraordinary means!" Elder Yu hates iron, why doesn't Yu Xiner have the temperament of an evil spirit at all?

Yu Xiner's heart beat faster immediately, and she looked at Elder Yu in disbelief, "Father! You know that Xiner can't do this kind of thing!"

"If you can't do it, you have to do it! Don't tell me you are willing. After three years, you and the young master have successfully terminated the engagement. What will you do then?" What Elder Yu felt most helpless was Yu Xiner's evasive behavior. !
"What if the young master finds out? There is no way the young master will forgive me!" Yu Xiner shook her head repeatedly.

"At that time, the matter will be a foregone conclusion, why should you care whether the young master can forgive you?"

Yu Xiner took a deep breath and fell silent. Yu Xiner couldn't imagine what Elder Yu would do, but if she really did such a thing, would Ming Yan forgive her?
"Don't worry, Dad will help you. At that time, you don't need to do anything, Dad will take care of everything for you! You just need to cooperate with Dad." Elder Yu patted Yu Xiner's With a sigh, he quickly walked outside.

Yu Xiner looked at Elder Yu's back in confusion, is it really okay to do this?

As long as Ming Yan finds out what she did in the future, he will definitely hate her!

Yu Xiner didn't want Ming Yan to feel disgusted with her, but if she didn't do anything, after three years, Ming Yan and her would have nothing to do with her again. By that time, even if Yu Xiner wanted to see Ming Yan up!
Although it is quite difficult to meet Ming Yan now, at least there is still some relationship!

Yu Xiner thought for a while, and looked at the main hall to the west, which was the palace where the young master lived.

Yu Xiner gritted her teeth, struggled for a while, and flew towards the main hall to the west.

Yu Xin'er landed on the west hall, and when the people in the west hall saw Yu Xiner, they knew that she was looking for the young master without asking.

People from the West Palace went in and reported to Ming Yan, Ming Yan frowned slightly when he heard Yu Xiner coming, what did Yu Xiner do here?
Thinking that it might be related to what happened just now, Ming Yan asked someone to bring Yu Xiner in.

Seeing Yu Xiner approaching slowly, the sorrow in her eyes stared straight at herself, Ming Yan's eyes flickered, and asked: "Xin'er, have you ever blamed me?"

"Don't complain, Xin'er has always known that the young master doesn't like Xin'er, so the young master naturally doesn't care if Xin'er is sad, and naturally has something to say in front of the leader." Yu Xiner looked at Ming faintly. How could she hate him?Love is too late.

"But, my young master blames you." Ming Yan sneered.

Yu Xiner's heart skipped a beat. It turns out that... the young master actually blamed them... because they fought so hard today to not agree to dissolve the engagement?

Yu Xiner didn't speak, she lowered her head and remained silent.

The young master should blame them, it was they who made the young master have nowhere to go.

"Xin'er, this young master grew up with you. I originally thought that you understood what this young master thinks." Ming Yan looked at Yu Xiner, and he didn't understand why Yu Xiner was so persistent. Maybe, just like I don't understand why he is so attached to Liangzhu, right?

(End of this chapter)

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