Chapter 1600

"We grew up together, so, young master, you also know what Xin'er thinks. Xin'er doesn't care about anything else, but she can't care about you!" Yu Xiner said stubbornly.

"You don't need to come today, you can go." Ming Yan took a deep breath, he couldn't persuade himself, how could he persuade Yu Xiner?
Ming Yan has no way to repay Yu Xiner's affection, he can only make Yu Xiner turn back.

But Yu Xiner refused, so let's just wait and see.

"Young master, the leader has clearly ordered you to fall in love with Xiner within three years, so Xiner must appear in front of you from time to time." Yu Xiner's purpose in coming here is to negotiate with Ming Yan!

Ming Yan frowned, and looked at Yu Xiner puzzled, "What do you want to do?"

Yu Xin'er smiled lightly, and looked at Ming Yan seriously and firmly, "Young Master, please allow Xin'er to live in the Young Master's west hall, so that Xin'er can see the Young Master from time to time, maybe the Young Master One day, I will fall in love with Xin'er."

"You haven't left the cabinet yet, so you are not suitable to live in a man's residence. There is no way I will agree to you." Ming Yan frowned.

Yu Xiner still smiled, and said with a slightly confident tone, "If Xiner tells the leader after three years that Xiner often does not see the young master, so there is no way to cultivate feelings, let the leader give Xiner another three years. What? The leader watched Xiner grow up, so the leader will definitely satisfy Xiner's small condition."

Ming Yan looked at Yu Xiner with some disgust. He never felt anything wrong before, but now he found that Yu Xiner had become such an unscrupulous and disgusting appearance!

"Okay, my young master allows you to live in the West Palace, but I advise you not to appear in front of my young master often."

Ming Yan's cold voice made Yu Xin'er's heart tremble slightly, but only by persevering can she achieve her desired goal!

Yu Xiner managed to stay in the West Palace and live with Ming Yan, but Yu Xiner still had no idea what to do next, she had to follow Elder Yu's idea, that is to cook rice directly , when the time comes, even if Ming Yan wants to deny it, Ming Ling will not let it go!

In addition, with Elder Yu present, Elder Yu will pull a few other elders...

Then later, it is no different from driving ducks into the sedan chair.

Three years, although the days are passing day by day, but for the gods with a long lifespan, let alone three years, 300 years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Ever since she lived in the West Palace, Yu Xiner has been trying to find ways to make food for Ming Yan every day, trying her best to get close to Ming Yan.

Looking at the desserts, tea, and tonics that were delivered every day, Ming Yan was not touched in any way, because none of these things was his favorite.

It is estimated that Yu Xiner is also because she does not know what Ming Yan likes to eat, so she changes her pattern and cooks different food every day, probably because she wants to try Ming Yan's taste.

However, Ming Yan didn't touch anything!
Ming Yan doesn't know what Yu Xiner will do, but Elder Yu is not a simple person. In order to achieve his goal, he has used many tricks in front of Ming Ling before, so Ming Yan has to guard against being an elder Yu. My daughter's Yu Xiner!
Elder Yu has long wanted to step on the front of all the elders, so he and Yu Xiner's marriage, Elder Yu will not give up easily.

(End of this chapter)

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