Chapter 1601

Yu Xiner came in with refreshments, saw Ming Yan dealing with matters, pursed her lips, walked over, and put the refreshments on a corner of his table, "Young Master, can you get busy after eating something?"

"Take it down." Ming Yan frowned slightly, without even looking at it.

Yu Xiner looked at Ming Yan sadly, "Young master, we grew up together, even if you were not close to Xiner before, you never treated Xiner like this...Young master blames Xiner for forcing you About marrying Xin'er?"

Ming Yan lowered his head, paused in his hands, and said calmly, "Xin'er doesn't need to think too much."

"Don't think too much...don't think too much about why you ignore Xiner? Why don't you eat what Xiner made for you? Is it... so difficult to accept Xiner's kindness?"

As Yu Xiner spoke, her eyes filled with tears.

Ming Yan sighed, "Xin'er, don't come here anymore."


The jade bowl Yu Xiner was holding fell to the ground suddenly, and she knelt down immediately. Yu Xiner was about to cry impulsively, "Is the young master tired of Xiner?"

"I'm sorry, young master, Xin'er shouldn't force you, young master, don't drive Xin'er away! Xin'er will definitely be quiet, and will only watch you from a distance in the future, and will never disturb you!" Yu Xin The son cried and promised.

"Xin'er, you are not inferior to this young master, you don't need to be like this! Get up!" Ming Yan frowned and looked at Yu Xiner disapprovingly.

"You are the young master, this is what you should... Xin'er shouldn't be too aggressive, young master, Xin'er will definitely restrain her temper in the future and don't do things that you don't like!" Yu Xiner shook her head again and again, just because She made refreshments every day, and the young master didn't move every time, she felt unwilling!
Ming Yan knew that he shouldn't be soft-hearted. Soft-heartedness would only make Yu Xiner continue to have unrealistic fantasies, "Ming Gang, take Miss Yu down."

He can love Liang Zhu humblely, and Yu Xiner can love him humblely.

In fact, no one is wrong, but love the wrong person Bale.

Ming Gang came out from the dark, walked towards Yu Xin'er step by step, "Xin'er, go back."

"Brother Ming Gang, help Xiner persuade the young master!" Yu Xiner seemed to see a savior, and Ming Gang's eyes lit up.

Ming Gang's father is also an elder, and has the same status as Yu Xin'er in the Evil Spirit Sect, the son of an elder.

Ming Gang looked at Yu Xiner with a complicated expression, "Xiner..."

"Brother Ming Gang!" Yu Xiner shook her head and looked at Ming Gang.

Ming Gang originally wanted to persuade Yu Xiner, but seeing Yu Xiner's appearance, Yu couldn't bear it.

"Little Lord……"

"Ming Gang, take her out." Seeing Yu Xiner's appearance, Ming Yan felt a headache. He couldn't give Yu Xiner anything, and he didn't even give her any hope, but Yu Xiner just threw herself on him. body!
"It's...Young Master!" Ming Gang was full of confusion, pulled Yu Xin'er, and forcibly helped her out.

After Ming Gang took Yu Xin'er out, he said helplessly, "The young master already has someone he loves, so why should you?"

"Even though the young master already has someone he loves, it doesn't mean that the young master can be with the one he loves, so why can't he be with me? Brother Ming Gang, you have always taken care of me since I was a child, this time , can you just help me?" Yu Xiner looked at Ming Gang expectantly.

Ming Gang looked at Yu Xin'er with a complicated expression, why didn't he want someone to help him?
(End of this chapter)

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