Chapter 1602

"I'm sorry, Xin'er, this time, I can't help you." If you don't help Yu Xiner, you should help yourself.

When Yu Xin'er heard Ming Gang's answer, she immediately pushed Ming Gang away, "Since this is the case, then what happened to Xin'er has nothing to do with you, Brother Ming Gang, no matter what Xiner will do in the future, What you want to do, who you like, and what you insist on have nothing to do with you."

Ming just sighed, his expression became more and more complicated, with Yu Xiner on one side and Ming Yan on the other.

"I'm sorry Xin'er, this time, I really can't help you." Ming Gang turned his thoughts for a long time, and finally made a decision.

"Brother Ming Gang, you have nothing to be sorry for me. This matter is my own obsession, even if I fall to pieces in the end, I will not hesitate!"

"Even if you let others pay a painful price for your selfishness?" Ming Gang smiled, Yu Xiner seemed more and more unfamiliar to him.

"How could it be? This matter is none of anyone's business. How can others pay for my selfishness?" Yu Xiner didn't understand and shook her head repeatedly.

"You don't understand, do you? The young master and that girl are in love with each other. Now the girl just doesn't remember the young master. When the girl remembers, she will naturally come to the young master. You trapped the young master in your Beside me, what is your selfishness? The young master and that girl can't love each other, isn't it because of the price you have to pay?" Ming Yan spoke fiercely.

Yu Xiner shook her head, "I don't even understand what you said, and I don't want to understand, so stop talking!"

Yu Xiner backed away in horror, shook her head, turned and flew away.

How could the young master have someone he likes?
It is impossible for the young master to have someone he likes.

Ming Gang watched Yu Xiner fly away, pushed open the door, and walked in, "Young Master."

"Xin'er is gone?" Ming Yan raised his head and looked at Ming Gang.

Ming just nodded, "Let's go."

"Young master, Xin'er..." Ming Gang frowned, looking at Ming Yan with some embarrassment.

"You don't need to say anything, I understand." Ming Yan shook his head.

Ming Gang nodded and backed out.

Yu Xiner left the West Hall and went directly to Elder Yu.

"Father, you have to help me!" Yu Xiner knelt down in front of the elder with a determined face.

Seeing Yu Xiner coming here like this, Elder Yu understood everything, "Have you figured it out?"

"I figured it out, Dad, help me!"

"Once you do it, no matter if you succeed or not, there is no way to turn back. Do you really not regret it?" Elder Yu was actually a little hesitant. If he succeeded, his future status would be guaranteed.But if it fails, the only chance is gone!

Yu Xiner shook her head, "Father, I don't know why, I feel that if I don't win the young master's heart, I will never have another chance, so I..."

"Okay, needless to say, dad understands." Elder Yu waved his hand, for the sake of his own future and Yu Xiner's future, it is okay to take a little risk.

"Ming Gang next to the young master, will you help me?" Elder Yu thought that Ming Gang had other thoughts about his daughter, and it was best to use this kind of thing!

Yu Xiner shook her head, she didn't understand why her father would ask such a question, could it be that if Ming Gang needed to help with this matter, would Ming Gang know?

"Father, this matter cannot be told to others, and...Ming Gang also said,

(End of this chapter)

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