Chapter 1605

Many people have been stuck in a certain realm for a long time, and there is only an opportunity to not be promoted. Now this opportunity has come, and those who know it are working hard to level up. Pass.

The world of cultivating immortals, which had been silent for a long time, was shrouded in a lively and exciting atmosphere.

The vision of heaven and earth, the sudden surge of aura, this has to be said to be an excellent omen!

Countless people were promoted on this day, with more or less achievements.

When the real night was about to come, the red glow gradually faded and turned into a normal morning glow, and the birds disappeared. If not many people had gained something, they would doubt that what they saw today was It's fake!
The aura gradually returned to its original state. It was unavoidable for people to get used to the ups and downs, and suddenly it changed back, only to feel that the aura in the world of cultivating immortals has become so turbid!

Suddenly there was a lot of complaints, how could the world of cultivating immortals become what it is now?

However, no one can explain why the world of cultivating immortals has become what it is now.

It wasn't until the aura was completely weakened that everyone suddenly realized why it became like this.

Wushangzi opened his eyes first, looked at the crowd and said, "Do you know what this phenomenon means today?"

Everyone shook their heads. It was the first time for the juniors present to see such a scene.

"Explain, there is great power to ascend! Go to the highest plane, the Immortal Realm." Wushangzi looked at the sky with envy in his eyes.

Everyone looked at each other, it turned out that someone had ascended, is that so?
"Senior, are you going to the Immortal Realm soon?" Ye Wuqing asked.

"Hahaha, soon? I'm afraid it will take a few more years." Wushangzi doesn't want to go to the fairyland as soon as possible to meet his friends, but such things are usually more urgent than they can be asked for, so he can only calm down Feeling.

"Although it will take a few more years... But I think senior is sure, so it's worth waiting for a few more years, isn't it?" Ye Wuqing raised her eyebrows and continued.

"Well, what you said is, but, once there is someone you care about in another place, this person, you can't wait to go to the person you care about immediately." Wushangzi shook his head with a smile.

"The person you care about? Senior, did you mean Sister Mimeng?"

Wushangzi smiled without saying a word.

Ye Rumu looked at Wushangzi in surprise. Looking at it during this time together, he didn't feel that Wushangzi had any different feelings for his sister. On the contrary, it was Jing Xing who showed it clearly, but my sister still couldn't see it. come out.

"What I want to know more is, who will be promoted?" Ye Rumu frowned, how many powerful people are hidden in the world of cultivating immortals?Who knows?
"I guess, it might be that old guy Ling Feiyu, that guy has been in the world of cultivating immortals for many years, and it's time to leave." Wushangzi said with a sigh.

This familiar tone made it clear that Wushangzi knew Ling Feiyu.

That's right, when they were young, they were all the same age, and they were all so outstanding, so it's not surprising that they knew each other.

Ye Rumu looked at the sky, could it really be Ling Feiyu?
Then Ling Feiyu, when going to the fairy world, the first thing to do is to find Dongfang Lingyue, right?

Is it right? I believe news will come out soon...

(End of this chapter)

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