Chapter 1606

Sure enough, Ye Rumu was not disappointed. This matter spread all over the next day. Ling Feiyu never married in his life, but Ling Feiyu's status in the Ling family is not low at all. Ling Feiyu suddenly decided to ascend to the fairy world, which made the Ling family feel that the lintel is honored. , spread this matter out, after all, Ling Feiyu has always been very important in the world of cultivating immortals, and if he suddenly disappeared, he would be asked about it.

Many people who knew the reason why Ling Feiyu could leave long ago, refused to leave, and kept guarding the world of cultivating immortals, were also very relieved to hear this news. After all, the only way to do it is to continue to go higher.

Moreover, that woman is in the fairy world, Ling Feiyu will be happy to see her.


Yu Xiner heard what Ming Yan said, Yuelao's red thread did not bring them together, so this life is impossible.

During this period of time, apart from letting herself accept that her father wanted to help her get the young master, Yu Xiner had been thinking wildly about this issue.

Is it really impossible for her and the young master?
However, they are obviously against everyone except the evil spirits, so why does Yuelao decide her marriage with the young master?

In the fairy world, although there is no Jade Emperor to control it, the gods who are usually in charge of marriage and luck in the world are still there. In order to prevent the world from chaos, they are still in control, but there is no Jade Emperor on it.

It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, there was also a Heavenly Palace in the Immortal World, but what happened later, the Jade Emperor disappeared, and the Heavenly Palace has been abandoned ever since.

The gods returned to their fairy mansion and continued to do what they were doing.

That is to say, even if the evil spirits infested the world of cultivating immortals, no one would take action in the world of immortals.

Nobody made them do that!
So they won't do it.

How the world of cultivating immortals is has nothing to do with them.

In fact, it's not so much that they are cold-blooded, it's better to say that they don't want to meddle in other people's business.

If Yuelao could really bring two people together with just those two red threads, why couldn't he bring her and Ming Yan together?
As soon as Yu Xin'er had this idea, she immediately went crazy, she was going to see Yue Lao!
Yu Xin'er didn't tell anyone, and went out secretly by herself. After all, she and Yue Lao were on the opposite side, although Yue Lao never cared about such nosy matters.

Yuelao's residence is not hidden, but not everyone can go there. Legend has it that only extremely sincere people can pass through the barrier by themselves.

Yu Xin'er felt that she was sincere enough, but...whether she could get in or not was up to Yuelao's barrier.

Yuelao's residence is in Marriage Mountain, and Yuelao is in charge of marriage in the world. In fact, it's not that whoever he wants to be together can be together.

Yuelao just obeyed the fate given by God and brought them together.

Yu Xin'er doesn't understand these things. If it's about fate, she and Ming Yan grew up together. Isn't fate enough?

They have known each other since childhood, isn't it fate?
Yu Xin'er quickly found Yuelao's Marriage Mountain. Because she was afraid that someone would recognize her, she disguised herself along the way, and even took pills to cover up her aura.

People who practice evil spirit skills can always be recognized by people in the world of cultivating immortals, so when they go out, they usually cover their breath first.

Arriving at the gate of Marriage Mountain, Yu Xiner looked up, but couldn't see what was above it at all. Layers of pink clouds and trees blocked her sight.
(End of this chapter)

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