Chapter 1607

In addition, there is an enchantment blocking it, even if someone is curious, they will not be able to enter.

Yu Xiner was a little dumbfounded, this place is very strange!
Taking a deep breath, she looked at the road ahead. Although she could see the road ahead, Yu Xiner knew that the barrier was ahead.

Just as she was going out, Yu Xiner asked someone about Marriage Mountain. She knew that to come here, she didn't need to think of any way, nor did she need to use any tricks, let alone brute force. All she needed was sincerity, and she could walk in!


Yu Xiner didn't think about anything, put her palms together piously and put them on her chest, then took a deep breath before striding forward.

Yu Xiner didn't dare to stop, and walked to the end in one breath, only to suddenly realize that she had woken up!
Yu Xiner looked back excitedly, and found that the road behind was gone, the smile on her face suddenly froze. It seems that this road can only go straight forward!

Since it can only move forward, it doesn't matter.

Yu Xiner turned around without hesitation and continued to walk forward.

The scenery of Marriage Mountain is very beautiful, everything is pink and tender, and it looks extraordinarily comfortable.

Yu Xiner thought, could it be because Yuelao is such a girlish person?

So, is Yuelao male or female?
Yu Xin'er suddenly became unsure. After all, people outside only heard about it. Yuelao locked herself in the Marriage Mountain tens of thousands of years ago and did not go out.

Yu Xiner walked and found a big palace with the gate open, and this is not the most eye-catching thing, the most eye-catching thing is the one on the right side of the gate, under a red cloud tree, lying on a deck chair, An old man with no image in his posture!

Yu Xiner walked over slowly without disturbing the old man on the reclining chair. She was looking at the old man strangely, and when she wanted to ask something, the old man spoke up!

"Girl, you came here to ask about your marriage, right? It's strange, my enchantment will open the way for you?" Yue Lao frowned in confusion, opened his eyes, and squinted at Yu Xin'er.

"You are Yuelao?" Yu Xiner asked uncertainly.

Marriage Mountain with such a girlish heart, such... an old man, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't match!

"I am, girl, since my Marriage Mountain has let you in, I will answer your doubts, so don't worry." Yue Lao waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Yuelao, I want to...ask about someone's marriage." Yu Xiner bit her lips. She didn't care about her marriage, but she must care about Ming Yan.

"Oh? Whose marriage do you want to ask about?" Yuelao raised his eyebrows, it was the first time he met someone who didn't ask about his marriage.

"I want to ask..."

"Little girl, you can only ask me about my marriage. Are you sure you don't want to ask about your own marriage?" Yue Lao hurriedly reminded Yu Xiner before Yu Xiner said it.

Yu Xiner looked at Yue Lao in astonishment, could she only ask one person?Then, I can only ask Ming Yan!

"Old Yue, thank you, I've thought it through, so I'll ask Ming Yan about his marriage!" Yu Xiner bit her lip and said firmly!

Although she also wanted to know what her marriage was like, but besides her own marriage, what Yu Xiner wanted to ask was Ming Yan!
"Ming Yan? Hiss... If I remember correctly, it is Ming Yan, the leader of the evil spirits, right?" Yue Lao asked a little more.

Yu Xiner immediately became nervous, pursing her lips and looking at Yue Lao.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just confirming my identity,

(End of this chapter)

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