Chapter 1608

Avoid finding someone with the same name but different surname, and I have no interest in taking care of outside affairs. "Yue Lao smiled, obviously knowing Yu Xin'er's identity.

"Thank you!" Yu Xiner cupped her hands and thanked solemnly.

"Hey, thank you, no one has been here for a long time, so just treat me as an old man!" Yuelao stretched lazily.

"Where are the boys you sat down?" Yu Xiner couldn't help asking.

Yuelao smiled, "Boys? You were a boy tens of thousands of years ago, but now you're all grown up, go out and practice!"

Yuelao got up from the reclining chair and led Yu Xiner inside, "Girl, just follow me."

Yu Xiner nodded and followed Yuelao into the room.

Yuelao took Yu Xiner to the Marriage Tree, and hid all the red lines on the tree except Ming Yan's sign and the sign with the name engraved on it, "Did you see that? That is Ming Yan, the leader of the evil spirit sect." marriage!"

"Liangzhu? Who is Liangzhu?" Yu Xiner was startled. Who is Liangzhu?Why is it with Ming Yan's name?
"Who is Liangzhu? Hahaha, a little fairy from ten thousand years ago, he is no longer in the fairyland, and he doesn't know where he has gone, but well, this marriage has already been settled. Liangzhu and Ming Yan will meet sooner or later." Together!"

The more Yue Lao talked, the paler Yu Xin'er's face became. If Liang Zhu and Ming Yan were together, what would she do?
"Girl, are you okay?" Yuelao looked at Yu Xiner with concern.

Yu Xiner's lips trembled, but she still held hope and asked: "Yuelao, can the name on the marriage tree be changed?"

"No! Once it's settled, it's settled. This is a matter of a lifetime." Yue Lao shook his head decisively.

"Yuelao, I...why can't I change it? Could it be that two strangers are tied together like this? Then, will they be happy?" Yu Xiner shook her head desperately.

Yuelao shook his head, "Girl, whether you are lucky or not is not up to me. Every piece of fate, every red thread, was created by their fate and God's will. They are together, not you and I can break them apart."

After Yu Xiner heard it, her face was full of astonishment. She knew it would be like this, so why should she be so obsessed with hearing about marriage?

I have been pretending not to know, pretending that I can marry the young master, isn't it good?
"Thank you, Yuelao, I understand." Yu Xiner thanked Yuelao, and then went back the way she came.

Looking at Yu Xin'er's distraught back, Yuelao sighed, he could see that this girl likes Ming Yan, so he wanted to see if Ming Yan's marriage was with her, but it really wasn't, how disappointed he was ah?

Yuelao took out a wooden sign from his sleeve, and the two red threads were already tightly entwined, Yuelao shook his head, there are a lot of idiots in the world.

Yuelao threw the wooden sign directly onto the marriage tree, and after seeing that it was hanging securely, he turned and left.

Originally thought that someone came this time and could chat a little more, but who knew that he would leave so soon heartbroken?Unexpectedly, sure enough, plans can never keep up with changes.

On the marriage tree, the wooden sign that was just thrown up turned with the wind, and the name on it could be vaguely seen.

Yu Xiner-Ming Gang
After Yu Xiner left Marriage Mountain, she was suddenly afraid of returning to the Evil Spirit Sect. She was afraid of facing the young master...

(End of this chapter)

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