Chapter 1609

It turned out that they really had no fate, but Yu Xiner didn't want to accept such a result!

Liangzhu... yes, she needs to know who Liangzhu is!
When Yu Xin'er returned to the Evil Spirit Sect, she originally wanted to inquire about Liangzhu with others, but after thinking about it, she couldn't let the young master know that she was inquiring about Liangzhu, so she went to Elder Yu.

Yu Xin'er suddenly disappeared and came back suddenly, but Elder Yu was startled, "Xin'er? Where have you been these few days?"

"Father, Xin'er went to Marriage Mountain to meet Yue Lao." When Yu Xiner saw the only person who could tell the truth, tears filled her eyes.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Could it be that old Yue Lao bullied you?" Elder Yu looked at Yu Xin'er worriedly, could it be that Yue Lao bullied others?

snort!How dare he bully his daughter!
"Xin'er, don't worry, dad will go and seek justice for you." Yu Xin'er is his only child, and he grew up with wealth, how could he be bullied?
Yu Xiner hurriedly stopped Elder Yu, and shook her head towards Elder Yu, "Father, Yuelao didn't bully me, it's just that I... know about the young master's marriage."

Elder Yu was taken aback for a moment, he never expected that Yu Xiner would go to Marriage Mountain to ask Ming Yan about his marriage, and immediately asked, "Then did you ask about your marriage?"

Yu Xiner shook her head, "No, Yue Lao said that he could only ask about one person's marriage, so I asked the young master about it."

Hearing what Yu Xiner said, and seeing Yu Xiner's distraught look when she came back, Elder Yu knew that Ming Yan's marriage would definitely not be Yu Xiner, so he couldn't help sighing, "This is all God's will... "

"Father, do you know a woman named Liang Zhu?" Yu Xin'er was not reconciled, she looked at Elder Yu expectantly and asked.

Elder Yu expected that this person named Liangzhu should be the name written on the marriage sign, "I don't know."

"Father, Xiner wants to borrow some people from you..." Yu Xiner looked at Elder Yu expectantly.

Elder Yu frowned and asked, "You want to inquire about this Liangzhu, don't you?"

Yu Xin'er didn't hide anything, she nodded seriously, "That's right, Dad, Xin'er wants to inquire about this person, has she not met the young master yet, she has never heard the young master mention it, let's talk about it , she is not a person of evil spirits, she may not be willing to come to our evil spirits to be with the young master, father, I still have a chance!"

"Xin'er, the marriage established by the marriage tree is God's will. No matter how unwilling you are, you can't change the result! No matter what you do, the result will be the same!" Although Elder Yu misses Yu Xiner very much, Married to Ming Yan, but even the marriage tree is set, Yu Xiner is destined to be futile no matter what she does!

"Father, no matter what, you have to give it a try, don't you? If you don't try it now, how will you know if it will work? It's better than regretting to come later, don't you think so? Dad, you obviously support Xin'er, Dad , don’t you still want to help Xin’er?” Yu Xiner shook her head in disbelief, looking at Elder Yu with red eyes.

"Sigh...even though it's us, there's no way to fight against the sky! Well, since this is the case, when the time comes, dad will continue to help you, but it's not up to dad to decide whether we can be together or not. , Dad will also lend it to you, you can check it yourself." Elder Yu couldn't bear to be disappointed in Yu Xiner, originally he also wanted Yu Xiner and Ming Yan to be together,
(End of this chapter)

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