Chapter 1610

Now Yu Xiner is willing to do it herself, and Elder Yu has no reason not to agree.

"Thank you, dad." Yu Xiner thanked her, turned around and left, she wanted to arrange someone to find Liang Zhu as soon as possible.

If Liang Zhu and Ming Yan have not met, then Yu Xiner can completely prevent Liang Zhu and Ming Yan from meeting again. If Liang Zhu and Ming Yan have already met...then...what should she do? ?

Yu Xiner just felt confused.

Soon, the person who went out to inquire about Liangzhu's news came back. After inquiring, Yu Xiner learned that Liangzhu was just an ordinary woman, and those with ordinary backgrounds couldn't be more ordinary!

There is nothing particularly outstanding, so why does the young master like Liangzhu?
Yu Xiner couldn't figure it out even more.

"Where is Liangzhu now?" Yu Xiner asked after listening to the person who went out to investigate.

"Miss Xin'er, Liangzhu is not in the fairyland now!"

"What? Where is the cool bamboo?" Yu Xiner looked at the subordinate who went out to investigate in surprise.

"According to people who know Liang Zhu, Liang Zhu ceased to be in the Immortal Realm nearly ten thousand years ago. No one knows where she is. Some people say that she must have gone to experience a catastrophe."

Almost ten thousand years ago...

When Yu Xiner heard the news, she immediately fell into memories. Almost ten thousand years ago, the young master disappeared for a while before returning, and the marriage contract between her and the young master was made by the master at that time...

After the young master came back, he was dissatisfied with this marriage contract, but because the marriage contract was just made, it cannot be terminated at this time, otherwise, she would definitely be reduced to a joke. The young master did not say anything for her own good. Now that so many years have passed, so After hearing what this man said, Xin'er thought about that time again.

Originally, what the leader said was that the young master just went out to carry out the task he had given him, but after a long time, no one came back. Was it because he was with Liangzhu during that period of time?
Why?Obviously she and Ming Yan met first, so why doesn't she have any fate with Ming Yan?
Why not?
The name engraved next to Ming Yan should be hers!

Liangzhu has nothing, why does the young master want to be with her?
Originally, Yu Xin'er thought that she must be a better woman than her, otherwise why did the young master choose her instead of herself?
Now that she knows that Liangzhu is just an ordinary woman, she can't even be ranked as a god, how can she be worthy of the young master?
Yu Xiner seemed to have found a reason to support herself, and comforted herself over and over again that she was no worse than Liang Zhu, and she would definitely be able to be with the young master!

No matter how low-key and confidential Yu Xiner's actions were, Ming Yan still got wind of them.

At this moment, Ming Gang stood beside Ming Yan, hesitant to speak.

"Just say something."

"Young's all right."

Ming Yan thought it was nothing at first, but Ming Gang obviously did, but said it was all right?

Ming Gang grew up with him, and Ming Yan knows Ming Gang well, so he must have something to do!
"Say!" Ming Yan raised his head, frowned and looked at Ming Gang.

Ming just gritted his teeth, that's all, the young master said long ago that any news about Liangzhu should be told to him as soon as possible, and now is no exception!

"Young master, Xin'er is looking for someone to investigate Miss Liangzhu, trying to find her whereabouts."

As soon as Ming finished speaking, Ming Yan's expression changed immediately.

"Young master, don't be angry! Xin'er didn't want to do anything, she just wanted to know..."

(End of this chapter)

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