Chapter 1611

"How did she know Liang Zhu's name?" Ming Yan coldly interrupted Ming Gang, looked at Ming Gang, only Ming Gang knew that the person he liked was Liang Zhu, how did Yu Xiner know?

Ming just sighed, Ming Yan suspected that he was normal, after all, only he knew before.

"Young master, I heard that Xin'er went out for several days a few days ago, and immediately after she came back, she asked people to investigate Miss Liangzhu's affairs, and my subordinates don't know where she got the news from." Ming Gang replied road.

Ming Yan stared straight at Ming Gang for a while, and after all he trusted Ming Gang, he nodded, "Well, you should investigate immediately, where Xin'er has been these days."

"Yes! Young Master!" Ming Gang bowed his hands in salute, and retreated.

As soon as Ming left, Ming Yan immediately frowned, Yu Xiner already knew about Liang Zhu, but fortunately Liang Zhu is not in the fairy world, when Liang Zhu comes back, it should be Shangshen, right?By her side, there are friends protecting her, so Yu Xiner can't do anything to her.

Fortunately, after he came back, he persuaded his father to block the road to the world of cultivating immortals. Even if Yu Xiner knew that Ye Wuqing was Liangzhu, it would not help.

Ming Yan felt relieved, because Yu Xiner was here, he no longer wanted to stay in the Evil Spirit Cult, and when Ming just came back from the investigation, he took Ming Gang out for a walk. In three years, Liangzhu should also Are you back?
After Ming just came back, she figured out that it was because Yu Xiner went to Marriage Mountain. Marriage Mountain is the residence of Yuelao, and it is in charge of the marriages of gods, ghosts and demons in the world. I heard that every marriage is destined by God. It's not that Yuelao can decide on his own, Yu Xiner investigates Liangzhu's matter when she comes back, isn't it, what did she see on the marriage tree?
Ming Yan thought about it, and he decided to go to Marriage Mountain first when traveling around.

After Ming Gang knew Ming Yan's thoughts, he was not surprised that Ming Yan would make such a decision. The young master was not a person who would be restrained.

Ming Yan wanted to take Ming Gang out for a trip, so he only told Ming Ling, and because of guilt towards Ming Yan, Ming Ling promised Ming Yan not to tell anyone. After all, Ming Yan still has his father in his heart after going through such a thing. Otherwise, he could have left quietly, and no one would know where he went, but Ming Yan risked the possibility of revealing his whereabouts and told him, just to make him feel at ease.

Ming Yan clearly told Ming Ling that his and Liang Zhu's names were engraved together on the Marriage Tree, and that he would come back in three years, hoping to settle the marriage contract smoothly.

Ming Ling nodded, since Ming Yan and Yu Xiner could not be together even if they were engaged, then Ming Ling would not force her son to marry Yu Xiner again.

Ming Yan had been away for several days before Yu Xiner found out about this, and she was stunned.

Before she had time to do anything, Ming Yan left just like that. It could be seen that Ming Yan left because of her...

Elder Yu had all the things ready, and there was only one chance left. In the end... people didn't know where to go, so what's the use of the prepared things?

Yu Xiner wanted to send someone to find Ming Yan's whereabouts, but Ming Ling stopped her.

Yu Xiner immediately understood that Ming Ling knew Ming Yan's whereabouts!
Yu Xiner hurried to find Ming Ling, asking to know Ming Yan's whereabouts.

Ming Ling only said three words: "Let go!"

"Let go? How to let go?" Yu Xiner cried.

(End of this chapter)

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