Chapter 1612

"Xin'er, the only one who can't let go of the pain is you. Well, get up, and when you think about it, you can come to see the deity again." Ming Ling waved her hand and stopped looking at Xin'er.

Yu Xiner had no choice but to go back and ask Elder Yu.

"Xin'er, stop for now, the young master and the leader have clearly made a decision." Elder Yu persuaded.

"But dad, it was he who made the engagement for us, and she is the one who wants to cancel it now! What did you think of me? Why did you let me live in fantasy for so long? Why did you give me hope and then disappoint me? Dad... I'm in so much pain..." For so many years, Yu Xin'er had always treated herself as Ming Yan's future wife, but now she came out to let her know that she was just a joke?
"Xin'er... Sigh, think about it carefully!" Elder Yu has no choice but to force Ming Ling and Ming Yan?
Ming Yan is the same as Ming Ling, hard-headed, and the things he believes in will not change no matter what!

If Ming Yan said that he didn't like Yu Xiner, and if there was Liangzhu engraved next to Ming Yan on the Marriage Tree, then it really had nothing to do with Yu Xiner!

Elder Yu is also guilty. He was the one who brought about this incident back then. He thought that the two childhood sweethearts could be together, but he ignored the existence of Marriage Mountain...

The leader and the young master, as well as Xin'er, can't escape the word love!
When Elder Yu didn't know about the Marriage Tree, he still thought about cooking raw rice and helping Yu Xiner realize her wish.

When he learned about it, he decided to take the risk. Now that Ming Yan has left the Evil Spirit Sect directly, it also gives Elder Yu a reason to stop.

Forget it, so what if the status cannot continue to improve in the future?The position of other elders may not be higher than him in the future, and that Liangzhu is just an ordinary woman.

Ming Yan brought Ming Gang to Marriage Mountain, and they all knew the rules of Marriage Mountain, if the master didn't let them go, they couldn't enter.

When they reached the barrier, Ming Yan and Ming Gang were blocked by the barrier, they couldn't get in!

"Master, let's go." Seeing that he couldn't get in, Ming Gang had no choice but to say.

"Okay." Ming Yan nodded, regardless of whether he and Liang Zhu are married or not, in this life, he will only recognize Liang Zhu.

Although the reputation of the Evil Spirit Cult is really bad, Ming Yan also wants to bring her in, as long as they can be together...

"Hey hey! You stop for me, if you can't get in, you won't go in? Can't you think of a way?"

The two were about to leave when a voice behind them stopped them.

The two looked at each other and looked back, but they couldn't see anyone.

Yue Lao looked at these two people angrily. For so many years, only Yu Xin'er has been here. I don't know what happened. For tens of thousands of years, the number of people who came to ask about marriage can be counted on one hand!
Old Yue is really boring, anyone who is here now doesn't want to let it go!
"Do you want to come in?" Seeing the two people in a daze, Yuelao asked with a cold snort.

"Yes!" Ming Yan said first.

"how about you?"

It was clear at a glance that he was asking Ming Gang, and Ming Gang quickly raised his hand and said that he wanted to go in.

Only then did Yue Lao nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, come in!"

The two were dubious, and continued to walk through the barrier, this time they found that they were really not blocked!
"Come in, there is one condition, you must agree to it." Seeing the two of them coming in, Yue Lao said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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