Chapter 1613

The two of them were stunned, and stopped immediately, thinking that they could come in so easily, so there was another trick!

"Young master, why don't we go out?" Ming Gang saw that he had just stepped into the barrier, now is it too late to go out?

"Okay." Ming Yan nodded, and went outside without hesitation.

"It's too late, do you think my Marriage Mountain is a place where you can come and go whenever you want?" Yue Lao suddenly became unhappy, did he think this place is some kind of place?

Ming Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuelao, "Senior, what do you mean by that?"

"That's it, literally, since I helped you in, you have to promise me one condition!"

"Senior didn't say that before." Ming Yan frowned, the old man in front of him, if he didn't guess wrong, then Yuelao was right.

Yuelao looked away, stiffened his neck and said: "You guys rushed in before you finished listening to me, who is to blame?"

Ming Yan and Ming Gang glanced at each other, since this matter is like this, they can only admit it.

"Okay, Senior Yue, what request do you have, you can tell." Ming Yan compromised, now in his territory, he can only agree to what request he has.

"Hahaha, that's refreshing! As for me, the old man, I'm extremely bored in this Marriage Mountain alone. I want you to stay here with me for ten years, how about it? Ten years will pass in the blink of an eye, um, that's it Already!" Yue Lao felt very satisfied with what he said.

"No!" Min Yan heard it, and said no without even thinking about it.

Yue Lao frowned, "Why?"

"Senior, after three years, I still have things to do, so I can't do it in ten years." Ming Yan shook his head.

Yue Lao frowned, looked straight at Ming Yan for a long time, and then said, "Okay, three years is three years."

Ming Yan frowned, but when he thought about it, he had to hide from Yu Xiner for the past three years. It was impossible for Yu Xiner to stay in the evil spirit sect and wait for him to go back so obediently. So, hiding here, It can be regarded as hiding in Xin'er, without Liangzhu, it's the same wherever you go.

"Okay, Ming Gang, what about you?" Ming Yan looked at Ming Gang, he was willing to stay here for three years, but that didn't mean Ming Gang was willing.

"Naturally, the subordinates will go wherever the young master goes." Ming Gang said firmly.

"Okay." Thousands of words turned into a good word!
Many things don't need to be said clearly, but each other understands in their hearts.

"With the two of you accompanying me, I won't be bored! Hahaha, tell me the purpose of your coming." Everyone has something to ask when they come here, and Yuelao thinks that these two are not the same. exception.

"It's true that I want to ask senior something, can senior tell me?" Ming Yan said.

Yue Lao waved his hand, "Okay, I already know what you are going to ask, come with me."

Ming Yan and Ming Gang glanced at each other, before even asking, did Yuelao know the purpose of their coming here?

Yuelao brought Ming Yan and Ming Gang to the Marriage Tree, Yuelao waved his hand, and the sign of Ming Yan and Ming Gang's marriage was very clear.

There is bamboo carved beside Ming Yan, Ming Yan is not surprised.

And on Ming Gang's signboard, it was engraved with Yu Xin'er!

"It's Xiner!" Ming Gang was excited, but Yu Xiner knew it was him, would she accept him?
(End of this chapter)

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