Chapter 1614

"Young man, don't think too much, let everything take its course." Seeing Ming Gang's inner conflict, Yue Lao shook his head and said.

Ming Gang nodded, yes, no matter who Yu Xiner chooses in the future, I don't know if the marriage sign will come true in the end, as long as he guards Yu Xiner's side well, won't it be fine?

Ming Yan thought, the phrase let nature take its course is what I have to learn, right?

"Hahahaha, you will be living here for the next three years, so please respect me!" Old Yue smiled happily, looking at Ming Yan and Ming Gang very satisfied, if there is a caring girl, it would be even more All right.

That girl looked good last time, but she just didn't want to stay.

Yuelao also felt that the Immortal World looked big, but it was actually quite small, and you could always see some people when you went around.

For three years, Yu Xiner has been looking for Ming Yan, and she looks like she won't give up if she can't find anyone.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye, and Yu Xiner knew that this time it was really over...

Now Elder Yu doesn't help her anymore, in fact, there is no way to help her, now even Ming Yan's people can't be found!
In fact, Ming Ling has some resentment toward the elder and Yu Xiner, because they, his son, have been divorced from him for almost 1 years, but it is also because he has done it himself that he did not vent his anger on the elder and Yu Xiner only this time, Ming Ling supported Ming Yan's rescission of the engagement.

Yu Xiner stood on a high cliff, looking into the distance in despair, three years had passed, the leader and the young master were waiting to cancel the engagement, Yu Xiner did not dare to go back...

If she doesn't go back, she might be able to lie to herself that her engagement with the young master has not yet been broken.

When the three years were up, Yuelao did not make things difficult for Ming Yan and Ming Gang, and let them go as agreed.

The three of them returned to the Evil Spirit Sect immediately, only to learn that Yu Xiner hadn't come back yet.

Ming Yan said directly: "When the marriage contract was made, I wasn't there. Didn't father and Elder Yu also settle it? Now that the marriage contract is broken and Xin'er is not here, it doesn't matter much, does it?"

Ming Ling and Elder Yu couldn't refute Ming Yan's words, so they could only follow Ming Yan's words, which didn't mean that Xin'er's return meant breaking the engagement between them.

When the marriage contract was made, tokens were exchanged. Now as long as one party's tokens are destroyed, the marriage contract can be dissolved.

Over the years, Ming Ling was afraid that Ming Yan would be destroyed in private, so he kept them, and now he finally took them out and destroyed them.

Making a marriage contract is not as simple as exchanging tokens between two parties, and saying a few words, but also casting spells on the tokens. As long as one party's tokens are destroyed, the other's tokens will also be destroyed.

So when the token was broken, Yu Xiner didn't know anything.

She took out the jade pendant that contained the engagement, which was given to her by Ming Ling, but now it was broken into pieces, and Yu Xiner put them together piece by piece, but there were always cracks, and finally couldn't help it Weeping wantonly!
But crying and crying, Yu Xiner was suddenly stunned, because she sensed the aura that belonged to God, and there was more than one!
No, it should be said that one God's breath will appear one after another!
Yu Xiner was stunned. She turned around slowly and froze when she saw a familiar face.


Baili Yao came up first, followed by Ye Rumu,

(End of this chapter)

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