Chapter 1615

Ye Wuqing, Qing Jue, Cang Yuan, and Ye Xiaoye, the rest of them stayed in the Immortal Cultivation Realm to continue their cultivation and came back after a while.

As soon as everyone came up, they saw Yu Xiner crying heartbreakingly, and they couldn't bear to disturb Yu Xiner.

Yu Xiner stared blankly at the crowd and forgot her words for a moment.

Ye Wuqing's memory of Xin'er is the deepest, she squinted her eyes, "It's you."

"You..." Yu Xiner frowned, isn't this the fairy world?Why are they here?

When Yu Xiner saw it, she was shocked, it turned out to be five gods!

If they had just been promoted, they would definitely be in the realm of the Little Immortals. The youngest child has only just descended to the Immortal Realm, and these five adults, why are all of them High Gods?
"Why are you all gods! Impossible! Impossible!" Yu Xiner shook her head again and again, even if she lived for 10 years and cultivated for 10 years, she was just a god!

these people……

"Why can't we be? Since you haven't done anything bad, this time we'll just pretend we didn't see you, the enmity between the people in the fairy world and the evil spirits, don't you need me to explain it to you?" Ye Wuqing said indifferently. Looking at Yu Xiner.

Yu Xiner didn't have time to think, she subconsciously wanted to run away, and in fact, she did so. Among the people here, she can only beat that little one in singles!
During the process of ascension, the five of them had retrieved all their previous memories.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao stood together, looked at everyone, and said, "Have everyone's memories come back? Well, let's go home and have a look first."

Cang Yuan looked at Ye Rumu in surprise, she never seemed to be surprised that she and Qing Jue were also from the Immortal World, did she already know?
Qing Jue was not surprised at all.

"I have used the name Ye Wuqing for more than 20 years, and I am really reluctant to throw it away." Liang Zhu laughed teasingly.

"Really? Then you can continue to use it." Ye Rumu gave Ye Wuqing a white look.

"No, now that I'm back, I've remembered it, everyone will continue to call me Liangzhu in the future, and I will call you by your names too." Liangzhu shook his head, and used the name for 10,000+ years. Easy to give up?

"Mother, Aunt Qing, what are you talking about?" Ye Xiaoye looked at everyone puzzled.

Liang Zhu squeezed Ye Xiaoye's face, "It's nothing, from now on, you can just call me Aunt Liang, you know?"

Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu and saw her nodding, so she nodded too, "Alright then, I'll call you Aunt Liang from now on."

"Your Uncle Qingjue and Sister Cangyuan's names may have to be called differently." Liang Zhu said with a smile.

Ye Xiaoye looked at Qing Jue and Cang Yuan.

Qing Jue shook his head, "It doesn't matter, Xiao Ye can call her whatever she likes."

"Me too." Cang Yuan followed suit.

"Well, since that's the case, let's go back to our respective houses first. I don't know how many people still remember us?" Liang Zhu smiled bitterly.

After getting together and chatting for a while, everyone separated.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao decided to go back to the maze to see Mimeng first, and then follow Yang Yan back to the Yang family.

In the maze, Mimeng suddenly opened his eyes with his eyes closed, and his face was full of joy, "They are back!"

"Three years..."

"Are they Rosemary?" Wushangzi asked leisurely looking at Mimeng over there.

Mimeng nodded, "Well, it's them."

(End of this chapter)

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