Chapter 1619

Immediately speeding up, Baili Yao was soon left behind, and Baili Yao didn't chase after him, he was slowly digesting the memories in his mind.

If he could be as pure and innocent as Ye Xiaoye, without any messy things in his mind, how wonderful would everything be?

However, he also knew that it was impossible for him to happen.

No matter what situation he has to face in reality, Baili Yao must face it head on!
Seeing Ye Xiaoye run up, Baili Yao took a deep breath and followed up.

When the two entered, Ye Rumu, Mi Meng, and Wu Shangzi had already sat down in the courtyard of the palace.

One big and one small walked over one by one, Ye Xiaoye habitually pounced on Ye Rumu's body.

Whenever this time, Baili Yao would always appear and grab Ye Xiaoye down.

Seeing this scene, Ye Rumu couldn't help smiling.

"Die'er, since you've already remembered, I think I should tell you about my father. When I just started investigating my father's affairs, you were going to go through a lot of disasters. After that, I could only pay attention to you while looking for my father. The information I know now shows that my father is no longer in the fairy world, and it is very likely that he is in a certain plane with aura, but what is my father going to do in a plane with aura? And he hasn’t come back for so many years, Dier, I’m worried about my father Maybe there is something wrong." Now that Rosemary has returned, it is time for Mimeng to put her full attention on Mimi.

"Sister, how many spiritual planes are there in total, how about we go find them one by one?" Ye Rumu said worriedly.

"This is currently impossible. There are innumerable planes in the plane with aura, and my father is not necessarily in the interface with aura. It is very likely that he will be in the ordinary world, Dier, According to the rules, we can only go to ordinary planes, because we can't cast spells if we go there, it is impossible to destroy the environment and the free development of that world, and the planes with aura... can't go easily, so , we have to find out before we can go, otherwise...the opportunity will be wasted!" Mimeng shook her head, if she could go there at will, she would have gone looking for it over the years, even if it was looking for it from one plane to another. That's fine too.

"Then sister, have you found out where the most likely place is?" Ye Rumu frowned, this is a little troublesome.

Mimeng shook her head, "Not yet, and I don't know if my father doesn't want people to find him or what. I have already contacted him through all the ways to contact him, but I still can't contact my father."

Ye Xiaoye looked up at Baili Yao, "Daddy, do you know where mother's father is?"

"I don't know." Baili Yao didn't understand why Ye Xiaoye asked him this suddenly, but Baili Yao answered Ye Xiaoye's question as quickly as possible.

Ye Xiaoye gave Baili Yao a contemptuous look, "You don't even know that?"

"Don't you know?" Baili Yao knew Ye Xiaoye's routine very well, and Ye Xiaoye definitely didn't know either.

"I don't know, but you knew mother before, then you must know mother's father, how could you not know!" Ye Xiaoye said very seriously.

Baili Yao: "..."

"Wait! If my mother has a father, then why is Ye Wensheng's grandfather my mother's?"

(End of this chapter)

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