Chapter 1620

Ye Xiaoye suddenly thought of Ye Wensheng and asked.

Does mother have two fathers?

"That's your mother's father too." Baili Yao glanced at Ye Xiaoye.

"Oh..." Ye Xiaoye nodded.

Mimeng had already arranged rooms for Baili Yao, Ye Xiaoye, and Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu still lived there before, and Baili Yao and Ye Xiaoye lived next door. Ye Rumu walked into his room, looked at everything he was familiar with, and felt that everything was as unreal as a dream.

There are a lot of her old things in the room, and everything is well preserved. It can be seen that Mimeng has helped her guard it with great care.

It's been less than 1 years since I left, but I feel that everything is like a cloud of smoke, so unrealistic.

Li Yuan felt Ye Rumu's strong thoughts, so he got out of the sword box and stood in front of Ye Rumu, "Master, what's wrong?"

"It's okay." Ye Rumu shook his head, looked at Li Yuan and said, "Li Yuan, this is the world of cultivating immortals."

Li Yuan nodded, "Well, master, you have worked hard for so many years."

Ye Rumu shook his head, and said with a soft smile, "What's so hard? It's just an experience. After so many years, the fairyland has not changed at all."

Li Yuan looked out the window, a group of fairy birds flew by, Li Yuan nodded, "That's right, it hasn't changed at all."

"Master, when do you plan to take care of Cheng Qizhu's matter?" Li Yuan reminded Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu frowned and thought for a while, then raised his eyebrows and said, "The sooner you go, the better, Cheng Qizhu has been made to wait for such a long time, we can't make him wait any longer."

Li Yuan nodded, then quietly stood beside Ye Rumu, looking at Yunjuan Yunshu outside the window.

Early the next morning, Ye Rumu came together and told Mimeng about it. After hearing this, Mimeng expressed her understanding, because Dongfang Lingyue came to the fairyland after Ye Rumu, so Dongfang Lingyue didn't know that Ye Rumu Mu, Ye Rumu doesn't know where Dongfang Lingyue is now.

Mimeng and Dongfang Lingyue know each other, so Mimeng proposes to send Ye Rumu there.

Baili Yao and Ye Xiaoye naturally wanted to go, and Wushangzi saw that he was bored at home alone, so he proposed to follow.

So a group of people flew with their swords towards Sumeru Sect where Dongfang Lingyue was.

Dongfang Lingyue, as a saint, already had her own independent hilltop in Sumeru Sect, but if she wanted to go up, she had to enter Sumeru Sect!

It's not the first time for Mimeng to come here. After arriving at the site of Sumeru Sect, she can't fly anymore and needs to walk up on the ground.

Walking a few steps is nothing to the gods, so they quickly climbed to the top of the mountain. The main peak of Sumeru Sect is here. After entering, there is the main building of Sumeru Sect. , such as saints, elders, etc., have their own hills, and then they can recruit disciples to live with them on the same hill.

After Mi Meng came, the person at the door recognized it and saluted, "God Mi Meng, I don't know why you are here today?"

"I'm here to find Lingyue, I have something important to discuss." Mimeng explained her purpose.

"Then who are the two Gods and Xiaoxian behind the Mimeng God?" The people at the door were curious when they saw Mimeng's new face.

"This is my sister, High God Rosemary, brother-in-law, High God Yang Yan, he is my elder brother, he just came to the fairy world, this kid is my nephew."

(End of this chapter)

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