Chapter 1648

Unexpectedly, now my friend... has also fallen into such a situation.

Ye Wuqing lowered her head and thought about it. In fact, she had thought about this question countless times, but Ye Wuqing never gave herself an answer every time.

What would she do, what would she want to do?
"I don't know!" Ye Wuqing shook her head honestly, "Every time I think about this question, I don't have an answer in my mind. Things that don't have an answer... I don't know how to solve it."

Ye Rumu's eyes deepened, and there were circles of ripples in his eyes, staring sharply at Ye Wuqing's face, "You don't know how to solve it, that's because you are reluctant to leave Ming Yan. Wuqing, Ming Yan is not at fault for this matter, you shouldn't force this matter on Ming Yan, it would be unfair to him! Plus... it's all the grievances of people in your previous life, why should you bother? Make yourself so miserable?"

When Ye Wuqing heard it, tears fell without warning, and she said slowly in a desolate voice: "Even if I let go, Ming Yan is Ming Ling's only son, do you think Ming Yan will leave the entire evil spirit sect and be with me?" Together? The bamboo forest left by my parents, do you think I will allow him to live here? Our problem has long been not something that can be solved so easily..."

Ye Rumu sighed, looked at Ye Wuqing's face, and after thinking for a while, shook his head, "Why don't you ask Yue Lao?"

The matter of marriage is a major event in a lifetime, it is impossible for Ye Wuqing to die alone like this?

Ye Rumu understood very well that when he really fell in love with someone, everyone else would look down on him, so Ye Rumu never persuaded Ye Wuqing to like someone else from the beginning to the end.

"Yuelao..." Ye Wuqing's eyes flickered slightly, and she looked up a little disappointed, "Yuelao is not so easy to meet, and I can't even enter the Marriage Mountain."

Ye Rumu frowned, that's right, I haven't looked for that old man Yuelao for so many years, open the back should be fine, right?

"Have you forgotten that I have a relationship with Yuelao?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and curled his lips slightly.

Ye Wuqing widened her eyes, then remembered.

Ye Wuqing has been away from the maze for many years, but Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu still visit each other frequently, so Ye Wuqing is still familiar with Ye Rumu's affairs.

Just do it when you think about it, Ye Rumu pulled Ye Wuqing out, and after talking to Baili Yao, Baili Yao frowned and said that he would go too, he didn't dare to hand over his wife to others, in case someone hooked her up If you go, then there is no place to cry!
Yes, Baili Yao not only regards men as rivals in love, women may also abduct his wife!
Seeing the two people walking side by side, Baili Yao sighed slightly and could only follow behind.

Yuelao usually wouldn't watch at the gate of Marriage Fate Mountain, and all the boys under him had run away a long time ago. If anyone came, no one would notify Yuelao.

So when Ye Rumu came, Yue Lao didn't know.

"Where is Yuelao's boy?" Ye Rumu stood outside the Marriage Mountain, a little confused. In the past, whenever someone came, there would be a boy to report to Yuelao. Now... there is no ghost inside!

Ye Wuqing has been staying in the bamboo forest since she came back, and never came out, and she doesn't know what happened. Seeing this situation now, she didn't react for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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