Chapter 1649

It's not like she hasn't been here before, so what about Yuelao's boys?

None of the three had a way to enter directly, so they stopped outside the door for a while, wondering what they were thinking.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. According to Yuelao's temperament, he believed that they would be discovered soon.

Sure enough, Yue Lao didn't keep them waiting, and soon appeared in front of the three of them.

Yue Lao seemed to be unable to recognize who the three were for a while, and looked at them for a long time without making a sound.

"It's been a while, Yuelao, you won't forget me, right?" Ye Rumu couldn't help interrupting Yuelao's scrutiny.

Yue Lao frowned, and nodded honestly, "Who are you?"

Ye Rumuyin smiled deeply, "Old Yue, do you want me to restore your memory for you?"

Yue Lao trembled all over, he would not doubt at all, if Ye Rumu went in, would he really do anything to him.

Alas, what a lovely girl she was back then, how could she become like this now?
"Xiao Die! Respect the old and love the young! Do you understand?" Yuelao stared, his beard curled up in anger.

"Okay, okay, you've said this so many times, quickly open the barrier and let us in." Ye Rumu waved his hand, Yuelao's favorite words in the past were to teach others to respect the elderly and love them I'm young, I can't imagine that after so many years, Yue Lao hasn't changed?

Yue Lao let the three of them in, looked at Ye Rumu suspiciously, and asked, "What are you doing here? By the way, Xiao Die, why haven't you come to see me for so many years?"

When Yuelao thought of this incident, he became angry with Ye Rumu belatedly!
I'm so angry, I haven't come to see him for so many years, and now I'm so fierce when I come here!

"It's a long story, and there's nothing I can do about it." Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

"Are you a god?" Yuelao checked Ye Rumu's spiritual power fluctuations and asked in surprise.

Although he knew that Rosemary's talent was a matter of time, but how did it happen so quickly?

"Have you gone through the calamity? Well, I will temporarily forgive you for not coming to see my affairs, but what are you doing here now?" Yue Lao also looked at Ye Wuqing and Baili Yao.

Although he doesn't go out often, he knows people of certain identities outside.

"Why did you abduct this person?" Yuelao didn't know about Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, so he poked Ye Rumu's arm and asked with a weird expression.

Ye Rumu glanced back, raised his eyebrows and said, "If you want to abduct, you will."

Yuelao: "..." What kind of stupid answer is this!

As for Liang Zhu, Yue Lao knew him well, and he and Ye Rumu came here a few times back then.

"Xiaozhu, you've been promoted too?" Yuelao didn't know if he didn't see it, and he was startled when he saw it!
Yuelao is not surprised that Yang Yan is in the realm of Shangshen. It seems that Yang Yan is Shangshen after Rosemary and Liangzhu don't come to Marriage Mountain.

Ye Wuqing nodded, a little alienated from Yuelao.

Ye Wuqing can't stand an old urchin like Yuelao.

Yuelao inquired about some more things, then murmured: "Why have so many people come to my Marriage Mountain in recent years?"

Ever since Ye Rumu and Liang Zhu went to experience the catastrophe, Yuelao hadn't seen anyone coming, but just three years ago, three people came as soon as they came.

Now Ye Rumu, Liangzhu, and the one from the Yang family are here.

Yuelao didn't ask them what's the matter, anyway, they would always ask when they got inside.

(End of this chapter)

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