Chapter 1663

Doesn't the young master have a count in his heart?
Anyway, Ming Yan went to inquire about it, and Yu Xiner wouldn't just be left behind. Her news came back a little later than Ming Yan's.

When she saw that Liang Zhu's parents were killed by the evil spirits, Yu Xin'er's eyes were full of surprises. She felt that this incident had definitely made her the happiest in a long time!

Liang Zhu has a grudge against the Evil Spirit Cult, which means that it is impossible for Liang Zhu to be with the young master, and it means that it is still possible for her to be with the young master!

Yu Xiner quickly browsed through Liang Zhu's information, and suddenly felt puzzled. Liang Zhu has neither extraordinary talent nor amazing beauty, and her background is also average, but why does Ming Yan like her?

Yu Xin'er thought that Liang Zhu was a world of difference compared to her!

Yu Xiner had been looking for someone to investigate for a long time, but she didn't know how Liangzhu and Baili Yao knew each other and how they fell in love.

After investigations and investigations, nothing was found out, Yu Xiner was not happy.

The young master came back this time, just broke off the engagement with her, and now he is investigating other women, why?Is it because he finally got rid of her?

As long as she thought of this, Yu Xiner felt lost.

The feeling of dedicating one's life to only asking for one person's request and getting nothing, is very hopeless...

Yu Xin'er used to be scheming, but that doesn't mean she has no brains. She now has her own power in the Evil Spirit Sect. As long as there is any news from the Evil Spirit Sect and the outside world, it will fall into her ears. She does this I also hope that she can look more like Ming Yan, but Ming Yan still doesn't appreciate it, and Yu Xiner doesn't give up. From all the things that happened, it can be seen that Yu Xiner is not a person who is willing to give up.

Yu Xin'er has even started to investigate the matter of Yang Yan and Rosemary, and learned that they are good friends, and the identities of Yang Yan and Rosemary have also been investigated clearly.

The most famous person in the fairy world back then was that Yang Yan. I heard that the reason why I haven't seen him for so many years is because he went to experience a catastrophe.

In the past, Yu Xiner was not interested in the outside world in the evil spirit sect, so she didn't know anything about it. Now that she inquired about it, she found out that Liang Zhu, who she was relieved before, had actually returned!
It's no wonder that Xin'er only found out now that Liang Zhu was hiding in the bamboo forest, and basically no one knew that she had returned.

Yu Xiner's expression changed, but she still decided to meet this God.

To be able to cultivate to the top of the gods, it is impossible to have a bad talent. Sure enough, not everything in the rumors can be believed!
She is nothing but a fairy now!

What's more, I want to know what kind of woman Ming Yan really likes!
She couldn't believe that she was so inferior to that Liangzhu, which caused Ming Yan to dislike her so much?
complain?Naturally, Ming Yan broke off the engagement because of Liang Zhu, and gave her three years, thinking it was hope, but Ming Yan turned around and left, Yu Xiner's heart was very complicated.

All that Ming Yan did was for a woman!

How to make people not jealous!
Because she knew that Liangzhu was not in the bamboo forest, Yu Xiner didn't move. When Liangzhu was ready to go back, Yu Xiner set off.

The maids around Yu Xiner didn't know what Yu Xiner was going to do, but since the master was going, they naturally had to follow behind and protect her well.

Until they came to a bamboo forest, but they were trapped outside!
(End of this chapter)

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