Chapter 1664

"Miss, this is the Green Bamboo Forest!" A maid behind her said in surprise.

"The rumored green bamboo forest?" Yu Xiner was astonished, she thought it was just an ordinary bamboo forest, and someone led the way here, so Yu Xiner didn't know what it was until now!
"That's right!" The servant girl nodded.

Yu Xin'er was immediately disappointed. Since it was a green bamboo forest, she couldn't just go in if she wanted to.

"Miss, what are you doing in the Green Bamboo Forest? This Green Bamboo Forest is very treacherous, and no one has ever been able to walk in without consent! I heard that even the Heavenly Palace Barrier back then was not as stable as this." Another the maid asked.

"I'm here to find someone..." Yu Xin'er originally thought that Liang Zhu had no status, so she took a deep breath, how could someone who could own the Green Bamboo Forest have no status?I'm afraid I don't want others to know too much, so I didn't leak too much out!
Yu Xin'er's expression became more and more complicated, regardless of Liang Zhu's identity, what she wanted to know was the matter between Liang Zhu and Ming Yan.

"Have our people been guarding here?" Yu Xiner thought for a while, and no longer wanted to go in.

The people who read the letter before reported that there was an enchantment outside the bamboo forest, and their people couldn't break it, so Yu Xin'er needed to take a look.

Now that Yu Xin'er came to see it, her expression was a little ugly, even if it was her, she couldn't help it!
"Yes, stay here all the time."

"Have you seen anyone go in?" Yu Xiner asked again.

Seeing that the maid said no, Yu Xiner settled down and said, "We'll be waiting here for a few days."

"Miss, who are you waiting for?" the maid was puzzled.

When Yu Xin'er came out, she didn't tell the maid about the details, but when she heard the maid's question, she said with a complicated expression: "Wait... the woman Ming Yan's brother likes."

The maids immediately fell silent.

They can speak out about some things, but there are some things they can't and can't control!

It was impossible for Ye Wuqing not to come back, so after only four or five days, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao sent Ye Wuqing back.

Ye Rumu originally wanted to refuse, and she is not a child, so she doesn't need to be delivered to the door.

But Ye Rumu thought that Ye Wuqing's complexion was not very good, so he insisted on sending it off, so when the three of them came back, they saw Yu Xiner and a few maids standing outside the green bamboo forest barrier waiting.

"Yu Xiner?" Ye Rumu frowned and called out. Although she was not familiar with her, she still recognized her.

Hearing the name in Ye Rumu's mouth, Ye Wuqing suddenly raised his head, saw that it was Yu Xiner, and frowned, "Yu Xiner?"

Back then, I met Yu Xiner in the world of cultivating immortals. Yu Xiner had been to Twilight Academy and had contact with her for a while, so Ye Wuqing recognized her.

Yu Xiner was also very surprised, she stared blankly at these three people, " soared so quickly?"

Yu Xiner asked subconsciously.

Then I felt something was wrong, the immortal energy on them...

"You are the gods? People who have just been promoted cannot have the rank of the gods. You... who are you?" Yu Xiner opened her eyes wide as if she knew something extraordinary. What happened back then, they Will you argue with her?

"Who are we? It has nothing to do with you. I just want to know, why are you here?" Ye Wuqing looked Yu Xiner up and down. She didn't have any friendship with Yu Xiner when she was in the fairy world.

(End of this chapter)

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