Chapter 1665

Although she had been in the world of cultivating immortals for a while, it was impossible for Yu Xiner to know her identity, but now she found Qingzhulin.

Yu Xiner didn't answer Ye Wuqing, but stared straight at Ye Wuqing. If she didn't react at this time, she was really stupid!

Ye Rumu has Baili Yao, she cannot be Liangzhu.

Then only...

"You're Liangzhu?" Yu Xiner looked straight at Ye Wuqing. After knowing Ye Wuqing for so long, Yu Xiner didn't suspect that she was Ming Yan's beloved woman!
Thinking of Ming Yan suddenly going to the world of cultivating immortals, Yu Xiner understood everything. It turned out that Ming Yan really went to the world of cultivating immortals for the sake of the woman he loves!
It's just that she doesn't know anything!
Yu Xiner took a deep breath, and asked with a suffocated temperament, "You are the woman Ming Yan's brother likes? Why didn't you tell me when you were in the world of cultivating immortals?"

Ye Wuqing frowned, she felt the strong malice from Xiner, and suddenly realized that Yu Xiner went to Twilight Academy not because she wanted to study, but because she came for herself!

It's just that at that time, Yu Xiner wasn't sure about her relationship with Ming Yan, so she didn't do anything.

Yu Xiner's eyes were slightly red, and she felt like she was being deceived.

However, if she knew Ye Wuqing was Liang Zhu at that time, what could she do?

Did you kill Ye Wuqing?
But no matter what she would do if she knew it at the time, it's all over now, and Yu Xiner only hates that she didn't know Ye Wuqing's identity back then!
Although she will not kill Ye Wuqing, she will definitely find a way to keep Ye Wuqing in the world of cultivating immortals!
Even though Ye Wuqing is a god!

Ye Wuqing at that time was not her opponent, but now...she has no way to do anything to Ye Wuqing!

What's more, there are two gods beside her.

The atmosphere froze for a while, and no one on either side made a sound.

Ye Wuqing sighed, and as soon as Yu Xiner opened her mouth, Ye Wuqing knew that it was related to Ming Yan.

"Ye Wuqing, when you come back, will you still be with brother Mingyan?" Yu Xiner knew that her brother Mingyan was so outstanding, how could this woman give up her brother Mingyan!

However, Yu Xiner still couldn't help but want to ask this question, even if it was to lie to her.

Yu Xiner looked at Ye Wuqing expectantly, and the maids behind Yu Xiner couldn't bear it. When did their ladies show such a humble expression?All this is because of Ming Yan!
Hearing this question, Ye Wuqing's expression was complicated.

Will you still be with Ming Yan?

Ye Wuqing only knew that she couldn't let it go, even though she abandoned the name Liangzhu because of the past, it didn't mean that everything in the past didn't happen.

Yu Xiner looked straight at Ye Wuqing, waiting for Ye Wuqing's answer.

When Ye Wuqing went to see Ming Yan this time, she originally planned to speak clearly, but when she saw someone, she didn't know what to say.

So much so that it has led to the current situation, but Ye Wuqing didn't want to give up Ming Yan in her heart.

Yes, she didn't want to give up Ming Yan!

"Whether I'm with Ming Yan or not has nothing to do with you." Ye Wuqing replied.

"That means you will still be with brother Mingyan?" Yu Xiner trembled angrily, staring at Ye Wuqing in disbelief.

Ming Yan's elder brother was supposed to be hers, how could it be like this now?
Yu Xiner couldn't bear it anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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