Chapter 1666

He called out his saber and stabbed at Ye Wuqing directly!
"Rumu, Baili, don't interfere." Ye Wuqing stared at Yu Xin'er with cool eyes, and said lightly.

From Ye Wuqing's point of view, this is a matter between her and Yu Xiner, and there must be a conclusion, otherwise, Yu Xiner will definitely not let it go.

Although, even if it is temporarily resolved today, Yu Xiner may not make trouble for her in the future.

Yu Xiner's speed was very fast, and she was in front of Ye Wuqing in a blink of an eye.

Ye Wuqing saw the struggle in Yu Xiner's eyes.

She didn't understand why Yu Xin'er, as an evil spirit, was so entangled in killing someone, but the doubt flashed, Ye Wuqing quickly called out her saber to deflect the long sword that Yu Xin'er stabbed at!
Ye Wuqing stepped back, separated a certain distance from Yu Xiner, Ye Wuqing looked at Yu Xiner indifferently.

Is it really a lifelong doomed enemy?

"What are you hiding from?" Yu Xiner smiled sarcastically, her delicate face was no longer sweet and pleasant.

Elder Yu protected her very well. She stayed in the evil spirit sect since she was a child. She didn't have to do anything, she didn't have to think about anything, she just had to follow Brother Ming Yan and try her best to make Brother Ming Yan like her!

For the first half of her life, she was chasing Ming Yan's footsteps, so how could it be possible for her to just give up like this?

Ever since she was sensible, Elder Yu told her that Ming Yan will belong to her in the future, and what she has to do is not a killing machine, but to maintain her innocence and please Ming Yan's brother!
When she was young, she didn't understand, she just tried her best to make Ming Yan like her, but at that time, she didn't know what liking was, what kind of liking she had for Ming Yan, and what kind of liking Ming Yan had for her.

When she was a little older, she finally understood what she liked about Ming Yan's brother, but at this time, Ming Yan had already started to distance herself from her.

She is growing up, brother Ming Yan is also growing up, but...why does brother Ming Yan not like her anymore?

Obviously the older she gets, the more she likes brother Ming Yan.

With this question in mind, Yu Xiner spent many, many years.

She doesn't see Ming Yan very often, sometimes it takes a long time to see him, but she looks forward to it every day, when will Ming Yan's brother marry her back home?
Memories from the past flashed quickly in her mind, Yu Xiner stabbed Ye Wuqing with a sword while recalling!

Ever since she was a child, she has been able to practice martial arts whenever she is free. Although she rarely has the opportunity to actually fight, she is not a cowardly young lady who knows nothing.

But after all, Yu Xiner didn't have a real fight, and Yu Xiner's swing was not very powerful.

Ye Wuqing kept dodging and didn't fight back, as if she wanted Yu Xiner to vent her anger.

The maids behind Yu Xiner looked at Yu Xiner nervously, they knew the young lady's kung fu, and they would definitely not be Ye Wuqing's opponent, but... Seeing that Ye Wuqing did not fight back, they breathed a sigh of relief.

A hint of impatience flashed in Ye Wuqing's eyes, she didn't have time to play with Yu Xiner here.

Thinking of the peach blossoms that Ming Yan provoked, Ye Wuqing's fairy air was stained with hostility!

Ye Rumu was startled, and quickly reminded, "Wuqing!"

Hearing Ye Rumu's voice, Ye Wuqing woke up suddenly. When she was almost controlled by hostility just now, Ye Wuqing was ruthless towards Xin'er, and it didn't take long for Yu Xiner to suffer!
But Yu Xiner didn't give up, let alone stab Ye Wuqing desperately,
(End of this chapter)

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