Chapter 1668

That's why Ye Rumu suggested that Ye Wuqing go back with her.

Ye Wuqing also vaguely knew that this would make the Evil Spirit Cult unhappy, but...

She didn't want to hurt Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu is so smart, Ye Wuqing's hesitant expression flashed by, but Ye Rumu saw it!

"You don't have to worry about implicating us, you have never been implicated to me!" Ye Rumu said seriously.

"Besides, you've been living alone in the Green Bamboo Forest, so I don't trust you. If you come to the maze, it will be more lively if there are more people." Ye Rumu continued to persuade.

"What about the Yang family? The Yang family also agrees that you live outside?" Ye Wuqing was still a little hesitant, after all, she didn't want to cause trouble for Ye Rumu at all, if it was because of her, the evil spirits would vent their anger on the maze...

"I won't go back to Yang's house in a short time, and don't worry, as long as you're here, I won't go to Yang's house." Ye Rumu said firmly.

Baili Yao raised his eyebrows and said, "The Yang family is on your side."

Baili Yao can completely represent the Yang family, and all the forces in the fairy world have a sworn feud with the evil spirits.

There is simply too much blood in the hands of the evil spirits.

Ye Wuqing took a deep breath and finally nodded, "Okay, I'll go back with you!"

Ye Rumu immediately smiled.

Ye Wuqing didn't have many things to pack, she finished it soon, looked at the green bamboo forest reluctantly, turned around and left resolutely!
And Yu Xiner's side.

The maids took Yu Xiner and rushed towards the Evil Spirit Cult as quickly as possible!
Normally, people from the Evil Spirit Sect would cover up their aura when they appeared, but now that Yu Xiner was injured, there was no way to cover it up!
Along the way, countless people sought revenge from the Evil Spirit Cult. In the end, the maids could only hurry on their way numbly.

If you meet someone who is chasing you, kill him!

Because the evil spirit sect has too many enemies, they try to avoid crowded places as much as possible, but this is of no avail.

Yu Xiner maintained a trace of sobriety, and said with difficulty: "You, you...let me go, let me go..."

The maids didn't answer, but they didn't abandon Yu Xiner either.

Yu Xin'er was awake at times and unconscious at other times. If it wasn't because she was originally a fairy body, she wouldn't be able to last for such a long time!

"B-After going back... don't...revenge..." After Yu Xiner finished speaking, she fainted again.

The maids were used to Yu Xiner being unconscious when she was awake, so they didn't check this time. When they remembered to check, Yu Xiner was not breathing...

body cold as ice...

"Miss!" The maid behind Yu Xin'er's back suddenly exclaimed when she discovered this question, but there was no one who could answer her.

The maids stopped one after another, making sure that after Yu Xin'er died, she continued walking towards the Evil Spirit Sect without saying anything.

Needless to say, they also know that after returning, they must accept severe punishment!
He would even pay for Yu Xiner's life!
However, even so, no one was willing to give up on Yu Xiner.

If you have the ability, wanting to come back from the dead... is not difficult!
The maids safely teach Yu Xiner to the evil spirit later, and the price is death!

With their last breath, they wanted to bring Yu Xiner to the territory of the evil spirit sect.

By the time someone finds out, there is no way to save them!

Elder Yu lost his beloved daughter, and almost went crazy right away!
Blame Ming Yan for Yu Xiner's going out to seek death!
(End of this chapter)

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