Chapter 1669

When Ming Yan knew about this, his heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously looked at Ming Gang.

Ming just heard about it at first, but was silent for a long time, and then, as usual, what to do.

But Ming Yan knew that Ming Gang must be feeling uncomfortable...

"Ming Gang, don't be so busy, follow me to see her." Ming Yan looked at Ming Gang who had been busy since he got the news, and said helplessly.

Ming Gang's movements slowed down, but he didn't answer Ming Yan's question.

"Ming Gang, let's meet for the last time." Ming Yan has never been good at comforting people, but Ming Gang and Yu Xiner... have their names written together on the marriage tree, but now Yu Xiner suddenly...

Ming Gang thought for a while, then nodded, and replied, "Okay."

After Ming agreed, Ming Yan took him out directly.

Arriving at the place where Elder Yu lived, Elder Yu was unwilling to let Ming Yan and Ming Gang in.

The reason is simple, Elder Yu thinks that Ming Yan killed his daughter, if it wasn't for Ming Yan, Yu Xiner wouldn't go out.

After another investigation, Yu Xin'er went to the Green Bamboo Forest before she was alive, and the woman Ming Yan liked was called Liangzhu!

When Yu Xiner went to investigate before, Elder Yu knew about it!

Inexplicably saying that Yu Xiner was killed by him, Ming Yan's face darkened, but because Elder Yu had just lost his only daughter, Ming Yan was not angry.

Ming Gang's father has the same position as Elder Yu, and he and Yu Xiner grew up together.

Ming Yan couldn't go in, but Elder Yu let go and let Ming Gang go in.

Ming Gang only hesitated for a while, then left Ming Yan and went in by himself.

The young master brought him here purposely, just to not make him regret...

Ming Gang took a deep breath. He had already given up on liking Yu Xiner, but... when something happened to Yu Xiner, he felt that his sky was about to collapse...

Just as Ming walked in, Yu Xiner, who had been tidied up, lay quietly in the crystal coffin, with her hands folded on her stomach, as if she had fallen asleep.

With outsiders around, Ming Gang dared not touch Yu Xin'er.

Ming Gang squatted down, looked at Yu Xiner softly, and said nothing.

The person has already gone, and he can't hear his words, so he will keep these words in his heart forever.

As soon as Elder Yu came in, he saw Ming Gang looking at Yu Xin'er with soft eyes. Elder Yu was full of sadness. Did he do something wrong?
If he hadn't insisted on Ming Yan marrying Yu Xin'er, Xin'er wouldn't have come to where she is today...

If Ming Gang had been chosen at the beginning, then Yu Xiner could at least live this long life in peace...

Ming just noticed that someone was coming in, and quickly put away the soft expression that was revealed, "Is there really... there is no other way?"

Elder Yu knew what Ming Gang was asking, shook his head, and sighed helplessly: "There is no other way, not only the other worlds, but also the fairy world is declining more and more. Most of the people in the Tiangong disappeared, and the rest I can't control this fairy world anymore, no one...can save Xin'er...Xin'er's soul...may also dissipate..."

Yu Xiner's cultivation is too low, her soul cannot exist in this world alone.

And the soul in the fairy world has no ability to exist alone in the world, it can only dissipate, and cannot enter reincarnation.

"Elder Yu, I'll just... go now, Xin'er, I'll leave it to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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