Chapter 1690

"I don't believe it, you must be lying to me!" Ruge shook her head in disbelief. This man is really as ruthless as ever. In order to reject himself, he even made up the words about having a wife!
"Believe it or not, Princess Ruge, you'd better recognize the occasion, what you should do, and what you should say." Baili Yao glanced at Ruge with his cold eyes, and wanted to bypass Ruge and leave. After so long, it's time for Ye Rumu to come out.

Seeing that Baili Yao was about to leave, Ruge seemed to have been awakened, and immediately stopped in front of Baili Yao, "I don't believe it! Unless you let me see her!"

Baili Yao's eyes turned cold, "Get out of the way, don't force me to do it."

Seeing that Baili Yao seemed about to get angry, Ruge moved away in fear, but she was still not reconciled, she wanted to follow him!Maybe he will be able to meet that so-called wife!
Then you will know whether it is true or false!
In terms of cultivation, she is no match for him in this life, but in terms of status, she is a good match for him!

As soon as Baili Yao came out, he saw Ye Rumu's figure. Baili Yao froze for a moment, then walked towards Ye Rumu frankly, "Mu'er."

"Huh? Is the date over?" Ye Rumu asked with a smile.

Baili Yao's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately explained: "Mu'er, you misunderstood, it's just that you met someone you knew before by chance and chatted for a while."

Baili Yao's words pierced into Ruge's heart like a knife...

He actually said that he was someone he knew before... They used to be friends...

Ruge looked at Ye Rumu, I don't know this woman!

But she is sure that her identity is not a big deal, basically she knows all the young masters and ladies with some identities!
"Oh, so that's the case?" Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao with a half-smile, and then at Ruge, "If I'm not wrong, you are Princess Ruge, right?"

There are many people who know Ruge, even if they haven't met her, they have heard of her name, so Ye Rumu is not surprised to know her.

"I am, who are you?" Ruge stared at Ye Rumu vigilantly, this her rival in love!

Still the biggest obstacle! the wife recognized by Yang Yan!

"Mimi's daughter, Rosedie." Ye Rumu didn't like to follow the maze around before, so almost no one has seen Mimi's second daughter, Rosedie, but the name should not be unfamiliar to others. .

In addition, Mimi and Mimeng love her little sister very much, so it is impossible for her to be little transparent.

If she heard it, her expression changed slightly. She had heard of the name Rosedary before, and she was also the overlord of one party, the daughter of a character!

At first, she thought that the other party's status must be low, but now Ruge knows that she is wrong...

Rosemary's status is no lower than hers!
Her father is in charge of the East China Sea and can be regarded as the overlord of one side, while Rosemary's father is the overlord of the land side...

Although the labyrinth has been keeping a low profile for so many years, there is no news about Rosedie, the second miss of the Mi family, cannot be denied the status of the Mi family in the fairy world!
Ruge's face changed unpredictably, and after a while, she smiled and said, "So you are Rosemary? I have only heard of your name before, but I haven't met you yet. I know your sister a little bit. "

"Really?" Ye Rumu smiled lightly.

Ruge originally thought that Rosemary was just a well-protected princess raised in the maze, but in the end...

(End of this chapter)

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