Chapter 1691

If it is really a well-protected little princess, she will definitely show closeness to her when she hears that she and her sister are old acquaintances!


And there was no naive and romantic feeling on her face at all...

As everyone knows, Rosemary in the past was indeed naive and romantic. Maybe God couldn't stand it anymore and arranged some training to make her grow, and she has done it now, but the price of growth is a bit heavy.

Reining in her emotions, putting away those memories that were suppressed deep in her mind, back then... the reason why she went to experience the calamity was not that simple.

Ruge's smile couldn't hold back, "Yes, say hello to your sister instead of me!"

Ru Ge really did not expect that Yang Yan and Rosemary were together!

Obviously these two people should not have any intersection, why are they together?
Ru Ge was afraid that she would show some inappropriate expression, so she bid farewell and left in a hurry, she had to check carefully, when did they get together!

Impossible that there is no wind at all!
Ye Rumu watched Ruge leave, "Princess Ruge deserves to be the number one beauty in the East China Sea, very beautiful, Yao, what do you think?"

Baili Yao's heart skipped a beat, then he smiled softly and said softly, "Mu'er, she's not as good-looking as you."

"Oh? Really?" Ye Rumu rubbed his chin and glanced at Baili Yao.

Baili Yao nodded quickly.

Ye Rumu smiled, Baili Yao and Ruge are fine, she shouldn't make things difficult for Baili Yao, but she just can't help it...

Hmm... After being together for so many years, the jealousy is actually stronger than before...

Baili Yao embraced Ye Rumu and asked, "How is Cang Yuan?"

"Cang Yuan... not so good! Qing Jue is missing." Ye Rumu sighed, and then asked, "What do you think Qing Jue is?"

Baili Yao shook his head, "During this time, I have told the Yang family to pay attention to Qingjue's news, but until now, there is no news."

"Who is Qing Jue? It's so mysterious..." Ye Rumu frowned, feeling strange.

Baili Yao pinched Ye Rumu's palm, although he knew that Ye Rumu had no intentions towards Qingjue, but Ye Rumu cared so much about another woman, which made Baili Yao feel bad!

"With fate, we will naturally meet again. What is Qingjue's identity? When the time comes, let Qingjue tell us." Baili Yao said.

Ye Rumu nodded, temporarily suppressing the matter, "Okay, let's forget about it, Ye'er should also come."

Baili Yao hummed, and led Ye Rumu towards the main hall.

This time, the banquet will be held in the main hall.

"You seem to be very familiar with this place?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. If it is the first time, it is impossible to find the direction.

Baili Yao didn't deny it either, "I have indeed been to the East China Sea Palace many times."

"I am the young master of the Yang family. Since the age of [-], my father and mother will take me out to socialize. I have participated in many banquets like this in Donghai."

"Then what about Princess Ruge?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. Baili Yao didn't mention this matter, so why should he remind him?
Baili Yao pinched Ye Rumu's cheek and said helplessly, "Mu'er, I'll explain it to you right now!"

"I met Princess Ruge when I was [-] years old. At that time, the two children got together and became friends. But I never thought that when Ruge grew up, she would... Muer,
(End of this chapter)

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