Chapter 1693

"Grandfather and your aunt are not here, so we have to sit here." Ye Rumu explained.

Ye Xiaoye nodded, and obediently followed Ye Rumu to sit down on the seat of Mijia.

Ye Wuqing also walked in, maybe because of Cang Yuan, there was actually a place reserved for Liang's family in this banquet!
The situation where only her is left in the Liang family is something no one expected...

Not long after sitting down, the Lord of the East China Sea came out with Cang Yuan.

Cangyuan has a very fairy name, Xianmi!
Cang Yuan's appearance is even more beautiful!

Everyone's attention suddenly shifted from Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye's side to Cang Yuan's side.

"This is the little princess of the Lord of the East China Sea, Princess Xianmi? She really deserves the name!"

"Yeah, I don't know if Princess Xianmi has been betrothed to someone else? My youngest son is not married yet!"

"Don't even think about it. I heard that Princess Xianmi already had someone she liked, and she disappeared back then because she died in love with others!"

"Is this true or false?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise, why do you think Princess Xianmi refuses to come back?"

"This... who is Princess Xianmi falling in love with? Why is the Lord of the East China Sea so opposed?"

"I don't know, I just heard that the man has no status, and the Lord of the East China Sea probably doesn't like it."

"Since this is the case, our son still has a chance! If the Lord of the East China Sea disagrees, Princess Xianmi will never get married."

"That said, it seems to be the same thing?"


Cang Yuan followed the Lord of the East China Sea to the throne, and sat down at the table under the throne.

The lord of the East China Sea looked very happy, but Cang Yuan, on the contrary, seemed a little uninterested.

"Thank you for coming to the welcoming banquet that I hosted for my little daughter, Princess Xianmi! I hope you can help us Xianmi a lot in the future." The Lord of the East China Sea said with a smile.

"Master of the East China Sea, what is this saying? The matter of Princess Xianmi is our matter! Do you think so?" Someone answered.

"Yes, yes, the matter of Princess Xianmi is our matter!"

The Lord of the East China Sea smiled with satisfaction and narrowed his eyes.

Princess Ruge stared at Ye Rumu, and suddenly asked with a coquettish smile: "The lady and young master sitting over there are very strange, I wonder if it is...?"

It's not that Ruge didn't see Ye Rumu pick up Ye Xiaoye from Yang's house, and that child is somewhat similar to Yang Yan!
Ruge couldn't believe that they even had a child!
Having met outside before, Ye Rumu couldn't believe that Ruge really didn't know her identity.

She and Baili Yao haven't been married publicly in the fairy world, presumably Ru Ge wants to see her jokes, right?

He thought that Ye Xiaoye was born by her secret knot with Baili Yaozhu fetus.

Ye Rumu smiled and said, "Princess Ruge, I just introduced myself earlier, why did you forget it so quickly? Your... memory is fine, right? Do you need a doctor to take a look?"

Ruge's face darkened, did she call her mentally ill?

"Sister Rosemary, it seems that my sister doesn't remember you, so you can introduce me." Cang Yuan stepped forward to smooth things over. She has never liked this sister, and she is too... persistent about a certain thing!
Persistence, persistence, will definitely do anything!
Ye Rumu pulled Ye Xiaoye to stand up, and said with a smile: "Misty daughter, Rosemary. This is my son, Yang Ye, the son of the young master of the Yang family.

(End of this chapter)

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