Chapter 1694

Do you have any questions? "

"This... I haven't heard about your marriage with Young Master Yang. I don't know when Miss Rosemary left Young Master Yang's son?" Ruge's face was ugly, it really was Rosemary and Yang Yan's. son!

They already have sons, do they still have a chance?
Right now, I can only pray that Yang Yan and Rosemary are not married, so that she might have a chance...

"I went down to the mortal world with Yang Yan and was promoted to the Supreme God. I met and fell in love with each other in the mortal world. I have been married for a long time. By chance, I arrived at the interface of cultivating immortals, and then I returned to the immortal world smoothly. Princess Ruge, what else? Is there a problem?" Ye Rumu explained lightly.

Rather than letting others guess, it is better to say it yourself.

Ru Ge clenched her hands tightly, even Li Jie, did they go together?

Are the feelings so deep?
Ruge didn't have anything to say, if she kept asking this question, others would think that she was targeting Rosemary on purpose!

"I've heard that Princess Ruge and Young Master Yang Yan have known each other since childhood, so I thought Princess Ruge was with Young Master Yang Yan."

"Mimi's second daughter is not bad, look at her, she is handsome and beautiful."

"Did Rosemary just say... that she and Young Master Yang Yan went down to the mortal world together and were promoted to God? Then she now..."

"Oh! It really is divine!"

"Then you have to change your tune."

"God Rosemary! You are truly a formidable young man. In such a short period of time, you have cultivated to the realm of a high god."

Ye Rumu just smiled slightly as a response.

The banquet went smoothly, but Cang Yuan, who was the protagonist, was a little unhappy.

The people who came to the banquet this time also knew two important news, that is, Princess Xianmi is very beautiful, but she has someone she likes.The second is that Young Master Yang Yan and God Rosemary went down to the earth to endure calamities, and now both returned with a child with them.

These two pieces of news are enough to dominate the gossip in the fairy world for a long time!

After leaving the banquet, Ye Rumu didn't delay, and directly asked Cang Yuan to investigate Qing Jue's whereabouts, and told Cang Yuan to stay well, and to tell Cang Yuan whenever there was news, Ye Rumu left with the Yang family.

After participating in this banquet, the fact that Rosemary and Yang Yan were together will always be known to the world. Mu Mu and Yang Lie discussed whether to make up a wedding for Rosemary and Yang Yan, and feast the gods from all over the world Come have a glass of wedding wine?
After Baili Yao agreed, Mu Mu happily went to do this matter.

After Ye Rumu found out, it was already too late, and he couldn't help but stare at Baili Yao, hoping that he would give him a reasonable explanation!

"Mu'er, there are still many people in the fairy world who don't know that we are married. In order to prevent others from coveting your man, let's hold this wedding." Baili Yao said that there is no reason to refuse!

Ye Rumu still shook his head.

Baili Yao was a little injured, and asked aggrievedly, "Why?"

"My father and sister haven't come back yet. They have already missed my wedding. This time, no matter what, they shouldn't miss it..." Ye Rumu sighed, and they didn't know when they would be able to come back.

Baili Yao thought for a while, but he actually forgot his father-in-law whom he hadn't seen yet.

"Then I'll let my mother prepare first, and the wedding will be held after my father-in-law and sister come back." Baili Yao compromised.

Ye Rumu nodded with surprise in his eyes.

Therefore, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao's wedding was postponed infinitely.
(End of this chapter)

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