Chapter 1707

Otherwise... don't blame me for being rude! "The seventh prince stared at the two of them coldly, his eyes were full of anger!
"Crazy." Ye Rumu crossed his arms, who the hell couldn't see the situation?
"The lady just said that there is a show to watch, but you are waiting for this brat to come? This show is not good at all." Baili Yao frowned slightly.

The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched. Although Baili Yao's appearance looked similar to this prince's, but... Baili Yao was an old monster who had lived for nearly 20 years.

If Baili Yao knew that Ye Rumu thought so, he would definitely punish Ye Rumu!
The Seventh Prince's face became even more ashen, and he actually said that to him in front of his face?
Although... this woman is very beautiful, and her stunning beauty is not enough to describe her. This man is also a favorite of the imperial sister, but he has challenged the majesty of the royal family. The Seventh Prince will never let them leave alive!

"Come on! Let me go! Go!" The Seventh Prince yelled frantically. He had a hunch that if these two people couldn't be killed, something big would happen in the future...

Ye Rumu frowned, "Suddenly I don't want to leave, I think the royal family of Fengqi Kingdom should not be very good, the princes and daughters I taught are so... It's hard to describe."

"What do you want my lady to do?" Baili Yao asked after hearing the words.

Ye Rumu lowered his head, thought for a while, and said: "How about this, how about giving this Fengqi country to Beili country? Anyway, the mainland will be unified sooner or later. Now there are only two countries left. How about just Let's get together!"

The affairs of the world, united for a long time must be divided, divided for a long time must be united.

"That's a good idea. These two are relying on their status as the royal family. Without Fengqi Kingdom, they wouldn't be the same." Baili Yao's lips twitched slightly.

Those who watched Baili Yao were immediately bewildered by his smile.

This... man is so beautiful!

The two of them are discussing here rebelliously about giving Fengqi Kingdom to Beili Kingdom. The third princess and the seventh prince are about to explode!

Even the common people who are still kneeling on the ground are inconceivable, this... Did you give it away just as you said?

"Madam, is there any good way to let them let them out?" Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu fondly. Since Ye Rumu proposed it, then Ye Rumu must have his own ideas, so... Baili Yao just needs to follow her.

"Go directly to the palace! You guys, drag these two people into the palace with me!" Ye Rumu casually pointed at the two people.

The life pointed at by Ye Rumu looked up at Ye Rumu, begging to let her go!

But when he saw Ye Rumu's cold eyes, he immediately acted cleverly and stepped forward to press down on the third princess and the seventh prince.

The third princess was injured and couldn't resist, but the seventh prince was different.

Ye Rumu blinked, "Forget it, I wanted him to enter the palace just like this, so let's break his legs first."

When the Seventh Prince heard this, he immediately became obedient, so well-behaved!
You know, he has no doubt that this woman will do what she says!

So, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao swaggered into the palace.

Baili Yao and Ye Rumu walked very slowly on purpose, and asked people to go back to report the letter first, so when they arrived at the gate of the palace, the emperor led people to guard the city wall, and when they saw the seventh prince and the third princess who were under pressure, The pupil shrank slightly!
These two untouchables actually dared to touch his children!

The emperor also didn't believe that these two people really had the ability to destroy Fengqi country and give it to Beili country.

(End of this chapter)

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