Chapter 1708

The emperor also didn't believe that these two people really had the ability to destroy Fengqi country and give it to Beili country.

"Who are you? Hurry up and let go of the princess and the lord! Let go obediently, and maybe I can save your life!" The emperor wanted to maintain the airs of the king of a country, with a majestic face, and stared at Ye Ye condescendingly. Such as Mu and Baili Yao.

"Father! Father, save me...I feel so bad..." Seeing the emperor, the third princess immediately forgot where she was, and cried heartbreakingly to the emperor.

When the emperor heard that the three princesses had been beaten, his face immediately turned livid!

"Aren't you going to release them soon?" The emperor shouted angrily when he saw that they didn't listen to him!
Baili Yao ignored the emperor, flew up directly, stood in the void, looked at the emperor expressionlessly, and waved his hand casually!
"Bang!" The emperor's body was swung out by Baili Yao, and slammed into the palace wall behind him!
The emperor stared at Baili Yao in disbelief, and everyone else was stunned.

When the forbidden army guarding the palace wall reacted, they immediately shot arrows at Baili Yao!
However, something strange happened!
There is no way for their arrows to get even half a step closer to Baili Yao!

"This..." Everyone looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

Who the hell is this?How can there be such power?
Baili Yao sneered, now it's his turn!
Baili Yao's seemingly inadvertent action caused all the imperial guards to vomit blood and fall from the wall.

Seeing that a person could fly already shocked everyone, but now they saw that Baili Yao could injure them directly without even approaching them!

Staring at Baili Yao as if they had seen a ghost, they finally understood that this man is really powerful, at least not someone they can provoke!
Ye Rumu had someone tie up the third princess and the seventh prince, and flew straight up. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, he walked slowly towards Baili Yao.

The two entered the palace unimpeded, and did not clap their hands in satisfaction until they tied up all the masters in the palace.

When the ministers heard the news, they rushed into the palace to escort them. Seeing that the two had subdued the royal family without a single soldier, the ministers were all startled.

Ye Rumu swept around, filled with righteous indignation, and then the ministers, who were too scared to speak, picked one who looked like a military general, and threw the jade seal of the emperor's treasure to the general, "Go to Beiliguo, Just say that Fengqi Kingdom has been subdued by me, and I don’t want to manage it, so I gave it to them. Here, remember to hand over this Jade Seal of the Nation to the Emperor of Beili Kingdom.”

Everyone: "..."

This Chuan Guo Yuxi was thrown to someone so simple?
Then you came to attack the palace, why?

Ye Rumu took Baili Yao away, leaving a group of ministers in a mess.

They came late, didn't see the behavior of Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, and thought they might just have fun...

So when the two were about to leave, the ministers immediately stepped forward to untie the royal family members. Ye Rumu's cool voice came, "If you dare to let them go, you will bear the consequences. By the way, they have I cast a spell on it, and you can't get close to it anyway."

Ministers: "..." So that's it...

Ministers, you look at me, I look at you, and finally ran outside in a hurry.

nonsense!The country has perished, and I must go back to pack my luggage and run away!

(End of this chapter)

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