Chapter 1711

Ganoderma lucidum has worked hard to become itself. Lingzhi itself is a cloud fox with a long tail and red and white hair all over its body. When it grows bigger, it will change from one red and white tail to nine!

Ye Rumu and Bai Liyao jumped on the back of Ganoderma lucidum, and Lingzhi flew up. Passing the route just now, the people of Aotian Sect below saw a huge monster flying by, and they were surprised and shocked. I'm afraid, such a big monster, if they find them, they will be finished, but if they can subdue this monster, then the monster will take them out of the forest of ten thousand beasts!
After all, if you go out by yourself, you don't know what kind of danger you will encounter.

But what they didn't expect was that they saw the two strange people they met just now on the giant fox!

"It's them!"

Someone couldn't help but speak in surprise.

"Who are these two people? There are monsters! The ones that appeared in such a short period of time must be the contracted beasts on their bodies, and it is impossible for them to surrender just now."

"I knew that I had established a good relationship with them just now, so maybe I would send us out!"

"Did they really appear suddenly? They don't seem to know where the barren forest is."

"You said, could it be the disciples of some masters who have lived in the mountains since they were young, and only now come out to make a living?"

"It's possible... I met several people when I went out to practice, and almost didn't know the structure and location of this continent."

"Then what should we do now? Senior brother, can you say something?"

Ling Shun withdrew his gaze and said, "Follow the way we came in. The monsters have just been cleaned up, so there shouldn't be any danger. Let's go. In a month or two, it's time for the monsters to mate. , when the time comes, we won’t be able to leave!”

It was for this reason that they dared to enter the depths of the Myriad Beast Forest, because the monsters rarely come out now, and after two months, they would rush out to find their mates!
"There's a city ahead." Baili Yao said to Ye Rumu, who closed his eyes and rested in his arms.

Ye Rumu stretched his limbs comfortably, and said, "Then let's go there and have a look?"

Baili Yao nodded and let the ganoderma fly towards the city.

Ganoderma lucidum felt bitter, but Lingzhi didn't say anything.

She really wants to lie on someone else's body and sleep like this!
Fortunately, the city is not far away, and it will arrive soon.

When he was just approaching the city, Baili Yao discovered that there was an enchantment outside the city, and he couldn't fly in through the air.

They could only go to the ground outside the city gate, Ye Rumu told Ganoderma lucidum to go back to sleep, and walked towards the city with Baili Yao.

"The enchantment here should be to defend against the monsters in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts." Ye Rumu just checked the distance between the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts and the city.

Baili Yao also noticed, "Beasts have a mating period every year. At that time, the beasts will appear irritable and usually run out of the territory."

This happened no matter in the world of cultivating immortals or in the ASEAN continent.

"Speaking of which, Lingzhi has been with me for so many years, and I haven't seen her face yet." Ye Rumu sighed thinking of Lingzhi.

Baili Yao hooked his lips, "Ganoderma lucidum is still young."

"...Well, it's true, compared to us, it's really small." The two chatted, and soon arrived at the gate of the city.

The people guarding the city saw the two of them, looked at them for a while,
(End of this chapter)

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