Chapter 1712

Seeing an unfamiliar face, he frowned and asked, "What do you do?"

"Go to Ten Thousand Beasts Forest to find some medicinal materials. It's getting dark, so I want to go to the city to stay for one night." Ye Rumu said sincerely.

The guard looked at the two of them again, because it was in the city of Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, and there were all kinds of mixed people, so entering the city was stricter.

"It seems that you are not bad guys, so go in." The guards are standing inside the barrier, if these two people are bad guys, they can't get in!

This enchantment comes with a recognition function, so vicious and whimsical people and monsters can't get in!

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao went in smoothly, but before they had taken a few steps, they were startled by the voice behind them.

"Why don't you let us in? This is the closest city to the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, are you going to watch us die at the mouth of monsters?" The people who were stopped outside immediately cursed.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao stopped. When they came in, they didn't feel anything. They thought that as long as the guards let them in, they could come in. But now they saw that group of vicious people being blocked outside the barrier. Not coming!
And the two guards seemed to be no stranger to this situation, and looked at the group of people who wanted to crash in but couldn't get in with a blank face!

Ye Rumu frowned and watched, what's going on?

"Brother and sister, are you new here?" A girl in her teens stood beside the two of them at some point, holding a candied haws in her hand, her childish and pretty face was already very pretty.

Ye Rumu didn't expect Baili Yao to talk to the little girl, so he knelt down and nodded, "That's right, we are new here."

The little girl looked as expected, and then explained: "The group of people outside are evil people, so they can't come in. You are good people, so you come in."

"Oh? There is such a saying?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, this was the first time he had heard of it.

The little girl nodded, "Brother and sister, do you have a place to live?"

"Not yet." Ye Rumu replied.

The little girl smiled and said, "Then come live in my house!" She invited Ye Rumu and Baili Yao because they saw how good-looking they were.

Anyway, there is nowhere to go, this is also a good way, but Ye Rumu and Baili Yao don't know what this continent uses to trade, but she has a lot of treasures on her body, so I will give it to the little girl's family. A few treasures would be nice as a thank you gift.

Thinking of this, Ye Rumu nodded, "Okay."

On the way, the little girl said that her name was Qing'er, and she was born and raised in Wanshou City. Wanshou City only accepts people who still have kindness in their hearts, so the people of Wanshou City maintain a simple and kind disposition.

It's not uncommon for Qing'er to pick up people and treat them at home when she sees them.

The hotel charges in Ten Thousand Beast City are a bit more expensive than outside, but it is within a reasonable range, and this is not a big deal.

Qing'er took the two of them back to her home. Qing'er's house wasn't too big, but it had everything it should have, and there were several guest rooms.

"Qing'er, we came from far away, what do you use to trade here?" Ye Rumu asked just in case.

Qing'er took out several jade stones of the same size from her body, in several colors, but all of them were lighter in color.

"This is the lowest grade of jade, and it can only be used to buy candied haws." Qing'er explained.

(End of this chapter)

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