Chapter 1715

Now directly giving so many deep-colored jade, this...

The two of them still wanted to postpone it, Ye Rumu hurriedly said: "Please don't postpone it, if you husband and I will have no face to live here... Besides, we will live for a while, these are not good What is it. And these, sister, here you are.”

In the Xuanhong Continent, the Immortal World, and the Immortal Cultivation World, these silver ornaments are useless, let alone valuable.

Ye Rumu immediately took out a pile of silver jewelry, Qing'er's father and Qing'er's mother were dumbfounded, they forgot to postpone the rejection... so many...

In the end, it was Qing'er who pulled her mother, and Qing'er's mother came back to her senses, "This... this is too precious..."

"It's not expensive. These are of no use to me. Sister, just accept them."

What Qing'er's mother wanted to say, Qing'er's father pulled Qing'er's mother, and said: "Since this is the girl's wish, then our family will accept it. The money can just go to the girl and son, and Qing'er can improve the situation." Food."

Ye Rumu smiled, "Yes."

Baili Yao didn't ask Ye Rumu where he got the jade, seeing how much Dalu loves gold and silver, it's not difficult to get some jade.

After eating, the two went back to the room, Ye Rumu pillowed in Baili Yao's arm, and asked, "Where did you go with Qing'er's father today?"

"Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, accept some mercenary missions in exchange for jade." Baili Yao replied.

"We'll leave Ten Thousand Beasts City after the beast tide has passed." Anyone who has experienced the beast tide knows how terrifying it is. At this time, it's better not to go anywhere and just stay in Ten Thousand Beasts City!

Since the barrier of Ten Thousand Beast City has resisted it for so many years, it should be able to do it this time.

Baili Yao nodded, "Well, what are your plans in the future?"

Ye Rumu thought for a while, "It's the same as in Xuanhong Continent, let's go around, maybe I will meet my father?"

There is a sense of blood connection, as long as it appears nearby, Ye Rumu can detect it.

"Okay." Baili Yao responded, and fell asleep holding Ye Rumu.

After that, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao also went out to accept mercenary missions when they had nothing to do. The two always took the highest commissions, and the commissions were generous, but at the same time, the missions were also very dangerous!
Generally, it is hung high on the top, and few people will ask about it.

However, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao took over such a task!
No one knew who these two people were, they only knew that they lived in the home of an ordinary couple in the city.

No one has ever seen them make a move. They only know that the two have high martial arts skills, and they also have flying monsters. These two people once became the myths of the City of Beasts!
Qing'er's father and Qing'er's mother looked at each other, what kind of two people they accepted at that time!
As the days passed, the beast horde came very quickly. A few days before the beast horde came, everyone around was notified that those who could enter the city should enter the city, and those who could not enter the city should stay as far away as possible. Forest of Beasts.

Otherwise, when the beast horde comes, everything will be turned into a mess except the city of beasts!
Those who have experienced the beast tide have not returned alive!
Knowing the horror of the beast horde, no one dared to leave the city gate. Today, even the gatekeepers were not at the city gate. They closed the city gate, climbed up the city wall, and waited for the beast horde to come.

There were also many people who wanted to see this scene, so many people also climbed up the city wall, wanting to watch the scene of the beast horde.

(End of this chapter)

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