Chapter 1716

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao were no exception. They took Qing'er and jumped up the city wall with ease.

The people around all looked at the two of them, and suddenly remembered that the two of them were famous people during this period, and they specialized in accepting high-level mercenary missions!
"Qing'er, are you afraid?" Qingqian lowered her head, looked at Qing'er and asked softly.

Qing'er shook her head, with a firm expression on her face, "Don't be afraid!"

"Okay." Ye Rumu smiled with satisfaction.

There are people in Ten Thousand Beasts City who specialize in forecasting the beast tide. From the past few days, the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest has become restless.

Until today, a monster finally rushed out of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest!

Then, one, two, three and four monsters rushed out one after another, until finally, all the places that could be seen were filled by monsters!

The monster bumped into the barrier of Wanshou City and slammed into it a few times, seeing that there was really no way to break through, so it made a detour.

The sky and the ground are full of all kinds of monsters!

Ye Rumu smiled slightly when he saw the scared expressions of the people around him.

"Mu, Aunt Mu..."

"Don't be afraid, they can't get in, you have to be brave, otherwise how will you be a mercenary in the future and earn money to support your parents?" Ye Rumu patted Qing'er on the shoulder and comforted her.

Qing'er raised her pale face and nodded firmly!
That's right, Aunt Mu is right!
"Aunt Mu, why did they leave the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts? Outside the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts is the world of humans. Will they be fine if they run out like this? Besides, where are they going?" Qing'er was the first The first time I saw the beast tide, I couldn't help but ask.

Ye Rumu shook his head, "Aunt Mu doesn't know either."

"Every year around this time, they can't control themselves, run amok, destroy many buildings every year, and kill many people. When they are wild enough, they will naturally return to the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, where today's beasts are. Clan, the last site."

Ye Rumu and Qing'er looked, and saw that it was a girl, the way she looked at the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, Ye Rumu felt...can't understand!
Naturally, the girl did not ignore Ye Rumu's scrutinizing gaze, and turned around to show Ye Rumu a look.

"You have the aura of a monster?" Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes.

"The girl is really smart. I do have the aura of a monster, but I am not a monster." The girl smiled and paused, "However, I am a child raised by a monster."

"A child raised by a monster?" Ye Rumu was surprised. You must know that monsters can eat humans.

"Surprised, aren't you? Monster beasts are obviously cannibals, but they raised me up and sent me back to the City of Ten Thousand Beasts, while my parents, who are obviously human, threw me into the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts. "

Ye Rumu looked at the girl, there was no hatred in the girl's eyes, only peace, well, she is also a person with a story.

"By the way, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yao. I named myself after I grew up." Yao smiled brilliantly.

During those days of living in the Forest of Monster Beasts, the monster beasts protected and raised her as if they were their own children, otherwise she...

Thinking of this, the demon's eyes widened.

"My name is Ye Rumu, and this is Qing'er." Ye Rumu pointed to Qing'er in his arms.

As for Baili Yao?Just ignore it!

"Miss Ye, you don't look like people from the City of Beasts." Yao looked at them suspiciously.

"It's not true, the beast tide is over, we will leave."

(End of this chapter)

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