Chapter 1721

Then he thought of his sister who had been with Mimeng all the time, and said righteously: "That's not okay! My sister hasn't found the male beast yet, so I can't surpass my sister!"

"Your sister naturally has my sister to worry about, you just need to worry about your own affairs." Ye Rumu looked at Lingzhi with a smile.

Ganoderma lucidum said weakly, "Master, you can't worry too much. After all, I'm still a child. I'll have to wait until I grow up to talk about this..."

Lingzhi is extremely fortunate that she is still in the body of a child, otherwise her unscrupulous master would marry her off, right?

"It's okay. I won't let you marry now. I want you to keep an eye on it. If you see which male beast looks good, tie it back and raise it. When it grows up, it can be eaten." Ye Rumu continues to encourage Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum wanted to cry, but she must have owed Ye Rumu money in her previous life!
Still owe a lot of the kind!

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so frantic and let a child tie up other people's beasts.

"Master, why don't you let Xiaoye go and kidnap someone else's girl?" Ganoderma lucidum gloomily said.

Ye Rumu snorted proudly, "Do you want to tell Xiao Ye about this kind of thing? Xiao Ye grew up with peach blossoms everywhere. Let me tell you, when he was in Xuanhong Continent, there were people who wanted to do it for him wherever he went. Daughter-in-law, I'm still worried that he will be kidnapped back."

Lingzhi: "..." I really can't tell...

"Are you surprised?" Ye Rumu asked Ganoderma lucidum.

Lingzhi nodded, obviously she used to be about the same height as Ye Xiaoye, but now she is a head shorter than Ye Xiaoye in human form. Can't grow taller, Ganoderma lucidum burst into joy.

"What's so surprising, that kid looks so good-looking." Ye Rumu said proudly, and then added, "Follow me!"

Baili Yao: "..."

Ganoderma lucidum: "..."

"I kind of want to learn martial arts." Ye Rumu looked up at the sun above his head, maybe he would not be so boring if he could find some kung fu to learn.

"Master, I want to remind you that no sect will accept us if we make such a fuss in the City of Beasts." Ganoderma lucidum poured cold water abruptly.

Ye Rumu snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "It's their loss that those sects don't want me as a genius!"

Ganoderma lucidum: "..." I really can't complain.

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu and smiled fondly, "If you want to go, we will go."

"Then let's go and play. With our ability, we won't be bullied." Ye Rumu rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Lingzhi is not worried that Ye Rumu will be bullied, but that Ye Rumu will bully others!

"I'm getting old now, it's better to be more prudent." Ye Rumu said to himself, feeling that what he said was quite right.

Ganoderma lucidum looks at the sky speechlessly, you still know that you are getting older.

But Baili Yao hugged Ye Rumu and said seriously: "There are many girls your age in the fairy world who are not married yet, how can you be old?"

Ye Rumu coughed lightly, thinking of his actual age, it is indeed not that old in the fairy world, but after all... After living for so long, and now there are still memories of modern life in his mind, Ye Rumu always thought that , I am very old.

Of course, no woman would admit that she was really old, what Baili Yao said really fit Ye Rumu's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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